The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Moe Tkacik Nukes the Bridge

In 2008, Moe Tkacik was hailed as a ‘literary it girl.’ “I know of one wretched hack who lists ‘Thought Leader’ as his occupation on his Twitter profile; he recently scored a fellowship with the American Enterprise Institute.” — Moe Tkacik, The Baffler No. 19 Sometimes there is nothing so wonderfully educational as seeing someone […]

Subject to Misinterpretation

In an e-mail to some friends this afternoon, I wrote: While I was working on other posts and not following Twitter, it seems my feed blew up with ‘H8Rs’ who either missed the point or else got the point, and decided to blow me up for having pointed out some obvious but uncomfortable truths about […]

Cody’s Totally Excellent CPAC

Cody with Daniel and John Santorum at CPAC, Feb. 10, 2012 His blog is called “Modicum of Insanity” (formerly “Letters From a Young American”) and he’s a student at Patrick Henry College. Two weeks ago, he sent me an e-mail to explain that he just got credentialed for CPAC — his first time at the […]

Happy Valentine’s Day to the (Totally HAWWT) Future Mrs. Steven Crowder

In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry . . . — I Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV) Steven Crowder gets some CPAC PDA from his fianceé, Hillary “My theory is […]

We Needed ‘Science’ to Tell Us This?

Unattractive guys lacking social skills are — unexpectedly! — poor judges of women’s interest in them: There are “tons” of studies that show men think women are interested when they’re not, says lead author Carin Perilloux, a visiting professor at Williams College. But her study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 12.06.11

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS “Snow Revolution” May Leave Putin Out In The Cold Protests erupt across Russia as international and domestic observers allege widespread vote fraud by United Russia Tough Talk, Big Hurdles For Newt Gingrich Says he plans to challenge Obama in all 50 states next year US Army Admits Iranians Have […]

Will Perry Be Blamed for Cain Scandal?

Sunday’s original widespread suspicion that the Rick Perry campaign was responsible for the “oppo” hit at Politico appears to be shared by many others, including the target himself: In the summer of 2003, Cain recalls briefing Anderson—his general campaign consultant at the time—that sexual harassment claims were brought against him while he was chairman of […]

Discrimination Against the Ugly? Expect a Class-Action Lawsuit by Smitty and Me

Conclusively demonstrating that aesthetically impaired Americans suffer economic disadvantages, an academic writes in the New York Times: A more radical solution may be needed: why not offer legal protections to the ugly, as we do with racial, ethnic and religious minorities, women and handicapped individuals? We actually already do offer such protections in a few […]

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