The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy

Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]

Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’

Maybe somebody should start a Tumblr blog called “Getting S**tfaced Drunk at College Parties Is Probably a Bad Idea,” because that’s the kind of advice Lilly at “Survivor Support” needed before she went to college. However, such advice is what we call “common sense,” and Lilly calls herself a feminist, so what’s the use? Feminists hate […]

Still More Feminist Tumblr

Is every teenage girl with a Tumblr blog mentally ill? “Rebekah, 19, Bi/Pan/Queer . . . abusive father . . . self harm . . . anxiety and depression” has deep thoughts: “So much f–king heteronormativity in this house” Let’s see, what else? Her mother is a racist, and Rebekah frequently applies the word “pathetic” […]

More From Feminist Tumblr

Autumn is a 24-year-old cisgender queer Muslim, who posted this: “Hands up if large groups of aggressively loud white boys in your vicinity freak you out.” To which spyderqueen (“mental health stuff, feminist rantings”) added: “One of the things that bonds women, POC, and LGBTQA+ together: The fear of white men in numbers.” That comment […]

More Feminist Tumblr

Some people find feminist insanity amusing, but then again, some people find film footage of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally amusing. If you’re the type of person who is amused by totalitarian propaganda, just go to and search for “feminism.” It’s an endless carnival of anti-male rage dispensed by lunatics like this “20-something, gender-fluid, bisexual”: […]

An Honest Feminist on Tumblr

She describes herself on Tumblr as “a queer radical leftist. Feminist, anti-gun, vegan, body positive, anti-racist, etc.” She wants it to be known that she hates men: I fucking HATE men I haTE the way they’re socialized I hate the way they talk I hate the way they take off their shirts like the world […]

Feminist Deletes Tumblr Blog That Accused Her Father of Incestuous Abuse

A Canadian feminist has deleted her Tumblr blog in which she accused her father, an instructor at Laval University in Quebec, of being a “pedophile and abuser” who had “sexually assaulted” her. Camille Freytag, 20, had spent months publishing accusations against her father on a Tumblr blog called “Lesbian Feminist Witch.” However, after an account […]

Communist Professor’s Daughter Is a ‘Lesbian Feminist Witch’ on Tumblr

UPDATE JULY 14: Feminist Deletes Tumblr Blog That Accused Her Father of Incestuous Abuse. * * * Feminist Tumblr is one of the strangest places on the Internet, a sort of online asylum where deranged women spew angry gibberish in what sometimes seems to be an organized effort to confirm the very worst stereotypes about […]

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