The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thank You, Professor Kitzinger!

“[R]adical feminism offers a theory central to which is an analysis of lesbianism and heterosexuality as political institutions and a rejection of personalized interpretations. . . . “Central to radical feminism is the belief that the patriarchy (not capitalism or sex roles or socialization or individual sexist men) is the root of all forms of […]

Perverts and Predators and the Celebrities Who Advocate for Their Rights

Ebony Williams was a 13-year-old girl from Harlem. In August 1993, Ebony was brutally murdered by two men: Investigators said the girl was believed killed in an apartment in Hunts Point on Aug. 22. She may have been raped, they said, and her throat was cut and her body was stomped and packed in a […]

‘Wacky Conservative Hit Piece About Raging Lesbian Feminist Carmen Rios’

Carmen Rios (@c_rios) is communications coordinator at the Feminist Majority Foundation and also a columnist at the lesbian blog Autostraddle, which has been sarcastically called “Cosmo for Queers.” Ms. Rios’ career as a lesbian activist was the subject of a blog post here Sunday, the latest in my “Sex Trouble” series about radical feminism. This […]

Crazy People, Crazy Times

OK, the “switch rape” thing was so crazy it had to be a hoax. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of genuine craziness out there. Michelle Goldberg writes a long article in the New Yorker about the tranny vs. radfem craziness I’ve been covering here since January. And as I’m reading her very interesting article, […]

Feminists Against ‘The Unnatural, Yet Universal Roles Patriarchy Has Assigned’

“We had turned the corner at U Street and were marching up 14th Street when the woman with the megaphone leading SlutWalk DC started a new chant: ‘We love consensual sex! We love consensual sex!’ Well, OK, but who doesn’t? Is there any actual opposition to this agenda? Is there an Anti-Consensual Sex Movement that […]

Trannies Keep Harassing Feminists

Sophia Banks (@sophiaphotos) is a Canadian transsexual who decided to “expose” some radical feminists who stubbornly cling to the notion that being a woman is a condition involving XX chromosomes. Yes, apparently, it’s come to this: Science is now HATE. I’ve been covering this conflict intermittently for six months now (e.g., the situation that caused […]

Gender Theory Madness: Gay Man Gets ‘Doxed’ Because of His ‘Transphobia’

In case you missed my posts over the weekend — “Tranarchy: Gender Theory = Insanity” and “Inmates Run the Facebook Asylum” — the long-running online war between transgender activists and radical lesbian feminists has been heating up lately. The two sides of the battle front are essentially this: Transactivists say it is “hate” to criticize […]

RadFems vs. Trannies: Will Feminists Let ‘Gender Queers’ Boss Them Around?

The ongoing conflict between radical feminists and transgender activists, which I first noticed in January and revisited last night in the context of the Dana McCallum rape case, has escaped the notice of mainstream liberal journalism. Liberals tacitly side with the transgenders in pretending that the radfems — a/k/a TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) — […]

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