The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’

Left: Justin Dennis in 2012. Right: Riley J. Dennis in 2015. “Would you date a trans person? Honestly? . . . Well, if you said ‘no,’ I’m sorry, but that’s pretty discriminatory.” — Riley J. Dennis, November 2016 Justin Dennis, a/k/a Riley J. Dennis, is a transgender activist who describes himself/“herself” as an “intersectional feminist” […]

‘Hashtag He’s Your President’

  Inside their liberal echo chamber, hermetically sealed by epistemic closure, Democrats never have to consider the possibility that they’re wrong. Their friends at the New York Times and CNN all agree with them, as does every professor at Columbia, Yale and other major universities, and every celebrity in Hollywood. Democrats never talk to anyone […]

There Are Still 5 A’s in RAAAAACIST!

  For more than 30 years, the Democrat Party and the major media (but I repeat myself) have been engaged in a propaganda campaign, the goal of which was to make “Republican” a synonym for raaaaacist! There are 5 A’s in “raaaaacist,” to distinguish this political propaganda term from actual racism. (Maybe there should be […]

Feminists Hate Donald Trump: The Joys of Happy Fun Victory Week #MAGA

    Say what you will about our President-elect, he’s got all the right enemies, especially feminists like Amanda Marcotte and Jessica Valenti. Having gone all-in for Hillary Clinton, these partisan Democrats spent months inciting irrational hatred toward the Republican candidate, and now they are seeking to exploit the delusional fears they themselves helped create. […]

Hillary Finds Her Scapegoat

  This was predictable: Hillary Clinton on Saturday cast blame for her surprise election loss on the announcement by the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, days before the election that he had revived the inquiry into her use of a private email server. In her most extensive remarks since she conceded the race to Donald […]

FMJRA 2.0: Happy Fun Victory Week

— compiled by Wombat-socho Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday Regular Right Guy Animal Magnetism A View from the Beach EBL@RedState Proof Positive Ninety Miles From Tyranny Bad Habits: Cocaine and Feminism The Political Hat EBL@RedState FMJRA 2.0: As Falls Wichita… The Pirate’s Cove BlurBrain A View from the Beach EBL@RedState ‘If You Don’t Want […]

The Blunders of Hillary’s Campaign

  “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Well, to Democrats trying to figure out exactly how Hillary Clinton lost the election, it makes a lot of difference, Ed Morrissey explains: For forty-eight hours, Democrats stunned by the most shocking presidential-race outcome in at least 68 years seemed more than willing to follow Team […]

Laci Green (@gogreen18) Is a Lying Atheist Democrat, But I Repeat Myself

  Laci Green is a pervert who likes talking to kids about sex. Basically, she’s a female Anthony Weiner, but because she calls herself a “sex educator,” some people don’t realize what a sick freak she is. Then on Tuesday night, she erupted in an obscenity-strewn meltdown: “We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. […]

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