The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace’

“The supersensitivity of the [Women’s Liberation] movement to the lesbian issue, and the existence of a few militant lesbians within the movement, once prompted [NOW founder Betty] Friedan herself to grouse about ‘the lavender menace’ that was threatening to warp the image of women’s rights.” — Susan Brownmiller, New York Times, March 15, 1970 (quoted […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 06.30.14

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS ISIS Jihadis Declare Caliphate In Iraq, Syria Declaration proclaims leader as caliph Cameron’s Protests Rejected; EU Chooses Juncker Former PM of Luxembourg to serve as President of EU bureaucracy Four-Power Talks On Ukraine Crisis Continue Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany to confer amidst continued fighting by pro-Russian rebels Ukrainian […]

‘This Feminist Community That I’d Like to Consider Myself a Part Of’

The pathetic phrase quoted in the headline was spoken by Daniel Kopin in an interview with Cathy Young. Kopin, 21, is a Brown University student who was suspended after a school disciplinary proceeding in which he was found responsible for “sexual misconduct” with his ex-girlfriend and fellow Brown student Lena Sclove. It’s an interesting story: […]

‘Feminist Lezzy Heaven’

Lea DeLaria in the Netflix series ‘Orange Is the New Black’ “It’s like I’ve died and gone to feminist lezzy heaven. I’ve been a professional lesbian for over 30 years — before that I freelanced — but my entire career has been about that, putting a human face on what a butch is.” — Lea […]

Portrait of a Killer: Elliot Rodger Claimed in Video to Be ‘Supreme Gentleman’

Santa Barbara mass murderer Elliot Rodger. Background information about the Santa Barbara shooter is beginning to emerge, tending to confirm what I said about Elliot Rodger when his YouTube rant was nearly all we knew about his motives: This attitude is a typical “Nice Guy” rationalization by which losers project onto others the responsibility for […]

High School ‘Death Cult’: Parents Claim Daughters Were Targeted by ‘Coven’

The federal lawsuit Doe v. Mastoloni, et al., demands a jury trial, which would be the biggest thing since the Salem Witch Trials: A couple have claimed that their three daughters were indoctrinated into a religious cult by their school teachers leaving them with suicidal thoughts and alienated from their loving family, according to a […]

‘Superior Male Mathematical Ability’

  Does anyone else remember the “Teen Talk Barbie” controversy? In July 1992, Mattel issued a talking Barbie doll which said various phrases that a teenager might say. One of these phrases was “math class is tough” and, to judge from the reaction by feminists, Barbie might as well have said, “All girls are stupid”: A […]

‘Who the F Are U?’

The quoted tweet could be lesson one in a New Media seminar: “How Not to Respond to Jeff Goldstein on Twitter.” It began when Jeff (@ProteinWisdom) asked @CaliAzona why she favorited a certain tweet, and you can read through the resulting flame war. My apathetic inattention to everything — except whatever it is I’m obsessed […]

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