The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Externalization of Responsibility: Monica Lewinsky’s Personal Shame

Today’s headlines via Drudge: Monica Lewinsky: I was ‘in love’ with President Clinton — New York Post Monica Lewinsky: Drudge Ruined My Life — Truth Revolt This raises a subject long overdue for discussion. The Internet is merely a tool — a very powerful tool, but still just a tool. For Monica Lewinsky to depict […]

The Insufficient Man-Hating of ‘Frozen’

Dani Colman (@DirectorDaniC) is both a feminist and a good writer, a rare combination in an age when the repetition of gender-theory jargon and a hatred of Republicans are considered sufficient qualifications for any woman to be hailed as the Next Great Feminist Intellectual. While I was attempting to find another article, I instead stumbled […]

The Indecent Mind of Andrea Dworkin

  “Intercourse occurs in a context of a power relation that is pervasive and incontrovertible. The context . . . is one in which men have social, economic, political power over women. Some men do not have all those kinds of power over all women; but all men have some kinds of power over all […]

Why California’s ‘Affirmative Consent’ Law Violates Basic Constitutional Rights

Sexual assault is a crime. Rape is not a school disciplinary infraction, and the attempt by universities to set up a pseudo-judicial system to deal with accusations of sexual assault was always a dubious endeavor. What college administrators have done, in their effort to appease feminists, is to establish phony “courts” where people can be “convicted” […]

‘Shut Up, Because Rape’

The rhetoric about sexual assault emanating from college and university campuses has confused many people who have not realized how the exaggerated claims of a “rape epidemic” are related to the larger objectives of radical feminism. Every day, the headlines bring reports of fresh outrages, including this one from Cornell University: Julius Kairey, an openly […]

‘Could It Be Any More Obvious?’

“I don’t know why people are so reluctant to say they’re feminists. Maybe some women just don’t care. But how could it be any more obvious that we still live in a patriarchal world when feminism is a bad word? . . . Feminism always gets associated with being a radical movement — good. It […]

Essential Feminist Quotes: ‘Lesbianism and Feminism Have Been Coterminous’

Left to right: Judith Butler, Bonnie Zimmerman, Diane Richardson “Is there some commonality among ‘women’ that preexists their oppression, or do ‘women’ have a bond by virtue of their oppression alone? Is there a specificity to women’s cultures that is independent of their subordination by hegemonic, masculinist cultures? . . . “Is the construction of […]

‘My Hypothetical Daughter’

Emily Heist Moss (@EmilyHeistMoss) is the type of young feminist who inspires readers to ask, “Stacy, how do you find these idiots?” The short answer is that feminists are herd animals, who aggregate around certain online watering holes, so that wherever you find one zany Gender Studies type, there are sure to be many more. […]

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