The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Columbia Review of Rolling Stone’s UVA Rape Hoax Story to Be Released Tonight

Associated Press: News organizations following up on Rolling Stone’s horrifying tale of a gang rape at the University of Virginia exposed serious flaws in the report and the Charlottesville Police Department said its four-month investigation found no evidence that the attack happened — or that the man who allegedly orchestrated it even exists. Now the […]

Do You Want to Be a ‘Male Feminist’?

“Feminism is organized insanity. Why be merely crazy, when you can turn your mental illness into a political movement?” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 29 If there is anything feminists hate more than Christianity, heterosexuality, America and capitalism, it’s a “male feminist.” The quotation marks are required because “male feminist” is an oxymoron, a contradiction […]

‘There Is No Spoon’: Radical Feminism and the Paranoid Matrix of Patriarchy

“Given that woman cannot ‘fit’ into the cartography of male thought, she cannot be expected to communicate in ways that are understandable to those caught within a patriarchal mindset. Thus the typically male disparagement of women’s thinking as confused, irrational or superstitious is simply a lack of imagination: women’s thinking is only irrational if understood […]

Or Maybe It’s You

Jillian Dunham was 37 when she made a desperate choice: When David Keefe made egg freezing a part of his clinical practice a decade ago, he imagined that single women looking to delay childbearing would be a small percentage of his patients. Before then, few women froze their eggs, and those in his clinic who […]

Feminism’s Predictable Consequences: ‘Our Society at Large … Hates Women’

What is the effect of feminism on males? How does a constant barrage of anti-male/anti-heterosexual discourse influence men? Newton’s Third Law of Motion — for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction — can be applied to group psychology. Confronted with hostile criticism, some people will comply (the equal reaction), attempting to conform […]

Feminism’s Big Lie

“Radical Feminism is, and has always been a political movement focused on liberating girls and women, those who are born into the sex caste female, from the unnatural, yet universal roles patriarchy has assigned.” —, July 26, 2014 “Women who are sane, normal and happy do not become feminists, because such women do not […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.15.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Rebels Launch Ukraine Offensive After Bus Shelling Massive rocket fire from rebel positions continues Ukraine seeks “terrorist organization” status for rebel groups NATO urges Russia to stop supporting rebels US offers $2 billion in financial support to Ukraine Pope Leaves Sri Lanka After Preaching Reconciliation Also becomes only the […]

Feminism and Sex: ‘Bad, Dumb, and Desperately Unfun and Unsexy’

Anna Merlan’s verdict on a destined-for-infamy scene in Girls can best be understood as a verdict on Lena Dunham’s feminist ethos. Dunham’s ethos, in turn, can best be understood as an expression of the decadent cultural values of 21st-century “progressives”: They are the Nowhere People — rootless, without loyalty to family, community or religious tradition, and […]

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