The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism: Wrong From the Start

Betty Friedan (left) leads a 1971 protest supporting the Equal Rights Amendment Instapundit links to a column by Barbara Kay that is premised on a counterfactual revisionist narrative: The feminist revolution began as a necessary reform movement, but unfortunately evolved into a marxism-imbued, revolutionary one. Second-wave feminism’s focus soon shifted from women’s equal rights (which […]

Sarah Palin and ‘Feminism’

“Certainly, no feminist can be expected to defend a conservative woman. To quote Palin-hating feminist Jessica Valenti, feminism is ‘a social justice movement,’ a radical ideology akin to Marxism.” — Robert Stacy McCain, June 3, 2010 As the originator of “National Offend a Feminist Week” — our motto: Equality Is For Ugly Losers — I […]

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