The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Puerile … Progressive Hackery’: @BrianBeutler and Our Moral Superiors

Donald Douglas at American Power: Brian Beutler’s more recent piece on “the right’s black crime obsession” is one of the most puerile pieces of progressive hackery I’ve ever read. Beutler’s simply yapping incoherently in the mode of holier-than-thou leftist claptrap. Please read the whole thing, because Dr. Douglas is not just a blogger but an […]

Our Moral Superiors So Seldom Condescend to Address Us Directly

Sara Alcid: Infinitely superior to the typical American. “And now apparently shocked at the ‘intimidation’ of being quoted on the Internet, Ms. Alcid has protected her tweets — a victim, no doubt, of ‘patriarchal oppression.’” — Donald Douglas, American Power Recently, I began referring to liberals as Our Moral Superiors, because that’s who they think […]

Once More Proving Why the Ivy League Elite Are Our Moral Superiors

As a synonym for “moral superiority,” substitute nude young boys: Dr. Richard J. Keller, 56, of Andover, was arrested and charged today with receipt of child pornography. Prosecutors said Keller bought or ordered more than 50 DVDs of child pornography online. An ongoing search of his home in Andover has turned up more than 500 […]

Another Reminder That the Academic Elite Are Your Moral Superiors

Michael Schultz is associate vice president for development and alumni affairs at the University of Vermont, and wrote his 2009 Ph.D. thesis on a very interesting subject: “Elucidating the Role of the Presidential Spouse in Development and Alumni Relations.” The role of the university president’s spouse in alumni relations is a subject Schultz knows intimately, […]

Your Heterosexual Feminism Is Wrong

  Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia on Twitter) describes herself as “queer, gay, femme, and homoflexible . . . a lesbian with exceptions,” furthermore explaining: “I’m on the asexual spectrum somewhere . . . I don’t experience primary sexual attraction.” Also, she is into polyamory, “which means that I’m open to multiple committed and loving relationships, but […]

Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!

— compiled by Wombat-socho Not going to lie: the BS on full display in the media over the last couple of weeks has got my Irish up, and for the last day or so I’ve been dithering between Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS or a random hot babe in a Confederate bikini because I couldn’t […]

FMJRA 2.0: Better Living Through Chemistry

— compiled by Wombat-socho Remember, @SarahKSilverman Speaks Officially for the Democrat Party EBL FMJRA 2.0: Not Long Before The End A View From The Beach EBL In The Mailbox: 04.17.17 Proof Positive Patriarchy Means Paying the Bills EBL Our Moral Superiors™ EBL Child Pornography Arrest Exposes Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life EBL Angelo Colon-Ortiz […]

Fear and Loathing: ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’ Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Here’s a headline: What Happens to Journalists When No One Wants to Print Their Words Anymore? As newsrooms disappear, veteran older reporters are being forced from the profession. That’s bad for journalism — and democracy. Please shut up. Nobody feels sorry for you, and probably nobody should. The idea that people are entitled to be […]

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