The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Motherhood Advice (and Other Reasons to Avoid Jody Allard)

  Jody Allard is a feminist and a bad person, but I repeat myself. Last fall, Ms. Allard gained notoriety when she published a Washington Post column about “rape culture” that targeted her own teenage sons: They’ve been listening to me talk about consent, misogyny and rape culture since they were tweens. They listened to […]

‘Male Feminist’ Aleksandr Kolpakov Now Charged With First-Degree Murder

Accused murderer Aleksandr Kolpakov (left) and victim Heather Anable (right). When police in Colorado arrested Aleksandr Kolpakov, he was originally charged with second-degree murder in the May 13 shooting death of his live-in girlfriend Heather Anable. The charge has now been raised to first-degree murder, according to the Denver Post, which quotes a police affidavit […]

Demonic Feminist Rants at Movement’s Male Allies: ‘Know Your Place!’

  The First Rule of Feminism is SHUT UP! “I want to address all the men in this audience. . . . I want to talk to all the men today, who made placards and banners of pro-choice. . . . I am saying to all those men: Know your place! This is a women’s […]

‘Feminist Witchcraft,’ Mental Illness and the Demonic Dangers of the Occult

Feminist witch ‘Rain Lawless’ ranting on YouTube. “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, […]

‘Anti-Feminists … Are F–king Evil. They’re Such Disgusting Human Beings’

        Her Tumblr blog announces: “I’m Rain. black. bi. woman. witch. vegan.. learning about radical feminism one step at a time.” She launched her YouTube channel in December, calling herself “Rain Lawless.” The quote in the headline is from a video she posted last month (“Scattered Thoughts About Anti Feminists And Anti […]

Social Justice vs. Heterosexuality (and the Problem With ‘Male Feminists’)

“We must recognize that heterosexuality is also part of the structure of the oppression of women. Sexual repression is one of the ways in which women are oppressed and one of the ways in which patriarchy is maintained.” — Jane Flax, “Women Do Theory,” 1979, in Feminist Frameworks: Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations Between […]

The Dialectic of Feminist Failure

Friedrich Engels and the original German edition of ‘The Origin of the Family.’ One of the most predictable insults that liberals direct at their critics is “ignorance.” Liberals consider themselves intellectually superior, and so the fact that you disagree with them is interpreted as proof of your inferiority. Never does a liberal consider the possibility […]

Who Democrats Really Are: @joshtpm Displays His, Uh, Feminist Theory

Friday night, while endeavoring to make another attack on Donald Trump, the editor of the left-wing blog Talking Points Memo made a minor mistake. Josh Marshall (@joshtpm on Twitter) evidently cut and pasted the wrong URL into a tweet, so that his message included a link to a lesbian porn scene involving “Angela & Strawberry.” […]

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