The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

HookerGate: What Did @AliciaMenendez Know, and When Did She Know It?

“Alicia Menendez is a Senior Advisor to NDN and its sister organization, the New Policy Institute. . . . Ms. Menendez comes to NDN/NPI as a well-established television commentator and experienced organizer in important emerging communities. You can find her talking about national politics just about every week on the cable news networks, Fox and […]

Dominican Prostitute in Menendez Scandal Says They Were ‘Very Mistreated’

Here’s this morning’s Menendez headline stack at the Drudge Report: REID BACKS MENENDEZ OVER UNDERAGE HOOKER CHARGES… ‘I have confidence he did nothing wrong’… PROSTITUTE: ‘THEY THREATENED THOSE GIRLS’… REPORT: Fourth flight raises new questions… I point this out because there were people in the comments of my post this morning (“HookerGate: Miami Herald Confirms […]

HookerGate: Miami Herald Confirms Elements of Menendez Prostitute Story

The shadowy (and probably pseudonymous) tipster “Peter Williams” gave specific details about the prostitutes who were allegedly provided to New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez in the Dominican Republic. Two Miami Herald reporters, Kathleen McGrory and Melissa Sanchez, traveled to Santo Domingo to check out the story and, while they were unable to locate the prostitutes, […]

Billion With a ‘B’: Did Menendez Provide Special Favors to HookerGate Donor?

A sex scandal is quite often more than just a sex scandal, and the emerging story of the connection between embattled Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and his shady Palm Beach patron, Dr. Salomon Melgen, appears to be developing as a complex scandal: Sen. Bob Menendez used his influence to advocate for a Dominican Republic business deal that […]

If You Don’t Think ‘Jailbait Hookers’ Is Headline News, You Don’t Know News

When the major news networks ignored the FBI raid on the Miami doctor who bankrolled Sen. Robert Menendez’s trips to the Dominican Republic, I was frankly stunned. No matter how liberal your bias may be, the allegation that Menendez was banging underage hookers during his Caribbean expeditions is irresistible as news. There is nothing in […]

FMJRA 2.0: Diamonds And Rust

— compiled by Wombat-socho The Face of Cowardice: Theresa May Ed Driscoll Preppers Universe The Camp of the Saints Walla Walla Tea Party Patriots What Bubba Knows Zion’s Trumpet 90 Miles From Tyranny EBL Rick’s Rants Ben Smith Wants You to Ignore This Da Tech Guy EBL Da Tech Guy Ed Driscoll DaleyGator The Rio […]

FMJRA 2.0: Turning Japanese

— compiled by Wombat-socho Please be advised that some of the following links…oh, wait, wrong post. Never mind. I Guess We’re Not Supposed To ‘Shop The #OccupyResoluteDesk Skeet Photo Sad Hill News Sad Hill News The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Sad Hill News Sad Hill News Sad Hill News Moonbattery Sad Hill News Sad […]

Teenage Sex in the News (Also: Questions the SPLC Doesn’t Want You to Ask)

Item One: A judge in England refused to impose a prison sentence for statutory rape on an 18-year-old man who had sex with “a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook” because Adil Rashid “went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless.” So, basically, if you’re a Muslim guy in […]

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