The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: It’s Not As If They Hate Men or Anything Like That

The fascinating thing about Feminist Tumblr is that it’s totally unfiltered. Nearly all of the participants are very young — a 25-year-old is a senior citizen on Tumblr — and also anonymous. There’s no adult supervision (your mother is not on Tumblr) and inside this feminist echo chamber, everything inside their zany brains comes pouring […]

Sorry, @AsheSchow: ‘Due Process’ IS a Left-Right Issue — and Here’s Why

Ashe Schow is a brilliant young journalist, and one of the few reporters who have been steadily covering the attempt by feminists to criminalize heterosexuality on college campuses. The feminist agenda is so insane and extreme, that when I try to explain what is being taught in university Women’s Studies programs — the academic Feminist-Industrial […]

Curb Your (Sexual) Enthusiasm

In case you haven’t noticed, feminists are (a) trying to increase the number of rape accusations by (b) changing the concept of “consent” in such a way that (c) any unhappiness with a sexual encounter justifies a woman claiming that it was coerced or otherwise less than fully consensual, as part of (d) an obvious […]

Let’s Bring Back Guilt and Shame

“I was twelve when I discovered porn.” So begins “How I Came Out: Part 2 – My Bisexual Awakening” by Kaitlyn, a 22-year-old graduate of Pacific Lutheran University. Please stop laughing long enough to think about this. Remember when “coming out” meant someone was actually, y’know, gay? What’s the point of “coming out” as bisexual? If […]

Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy

Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]

Who Is ‘Tiggy Upland’?

During my explorations of Feminist Tumblr, I stumbled across an online “advice” site called Tiggy Upland. The word “advice” must be put in quotation marks because it’s actually an advocacy site, promoting bisexuality and polyamory (i.e., what used to be called “swinging”). The name “Tiggy Upland” is obviously a pseudonym. At first I suspected the person […]

Feminist Tumblr: Human Train Wreck Offers Online ‘Support’ to ‘Survivors’

Maybe somebody should start a Tumblr blog called “Getting S**tfaced Drunk at College Parties Is Probably a Bad Idea,” because that’s the kind of advice Lilly at “Survivor Support” needed before she went to college. However, such advice is what we call “common sense,” and Lilly calls herself a feminist, so what’s the use? Feminists hate […]

The Lesbian Strangler: Jessica Ewing Murdered Friend Who Rejected Her

Jessica Ewing (left) and her victim Samanata Shrestha (right). Virginia Tech senior Samanata Shrestha was 21 when she was strangled to death in February 2014 by a fellow student, Jessica Ewing, 22. Police and prosecutors had not publicly discussed the motive, and it was not until a sentencing hearing this week that Ewing testified that […]

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