The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Autistic Teenage Neckbeard Charged With Raping and Murdering Australian Woman

  Police in Australia don’t release mug shots of criminal suspects, and their laws require media to conceal the faces of those arrested, but as you can see, murder suspect Jaymes Todd is a neckbeard — the stereotype of an obese, poorly groomed, basement-dwelling teenage geek. Far be it from me to suggest all fat […]

‘Gender,’ Nature and Sexual Economics

Cynthia Yockey has repeatedly urged me to write a book of advice to young men which, in the imaginary alternative universe where I’d actually write that book, I would call The Pleasure of Her Company. This title reflects my criticism of the self-defeating attitude one sometimes encounters in the so-called “Manosphere,” where scoring is given […]

Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too)

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict […]

Satanic Transgender SJW Wants to Control ‘Open Source’ Code Community

  Corey Dale “Coraline Ada” Ehmke is a software developer. At a 2013 conference, “Ehmke was among a group of people who announced the creation of a community for LGBT technologists called LGBTech. During this announcement, she also came out publicly as transgender.” Ehmke has become a notorious SJW (“social justice warrior”) and habitually accuses […]

Feminism’s African Abortion Agenda

  If any white man were to say, “Women in Nigeria are having too many babies,” he could expect to be accused of racism. On the other hand, if you were to express concern that the high fertility rate in Nigeria (5.5 lifetime births per woman) is a major obstacle to “sustainable development,” you could […]

Why Don’t ‘Incels’ Go Gay? (And Other Thoughts on ‘Toxic Masculinity’)

  Let me begin kind of a roundabout discussion of several things by starting with this: One of the odd facts about Texas school shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis was that the 17-year-old wore a heart-shaped bisexual pride pin in one of his Facebook photos. What do we know about him? Two years ago, Pagourtzis had played […]

Synthetic ‘Community’: Social Media and Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria

Kids want to belong. In the confusing storms of adolescence, defining yourself as a member of a group becomes a source of security. Historically, this has taken the form of tribalism — ethnicity and family as the basis of identity, typically reinforced by religious belief. When a crowd of Irish Catholics turn out for the […]

‘A Particularly Non-Self-Aware Man’

  Online dating is a bad idea. Every time I repeat this warning, someone in the comments will say, “But I met my [husband or wife] on [name of online dating site] and everything was awesome,” as if this anecdotal exception disproves the rule that online dating is a bad idea. People who engage in […]

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