The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Emily Depasse (@eld3393) Affirms Her Pride in Being Infected With Herpes

“I am able to embrace my herpes positive status. . . . “I have no shame in who I am. . . . “I have sex, great sex. I write about sex. I talk openly about sex.” — Emily Depasse, April 18, 2016 Readers will remember Emily Depasse as the feminist who bragged about teaching […]

Feminism as Psychological Warfare (Because @FFigureFBust Asked)

While monitoring online feminism, I noticed someone had RT’d @FFigureFBust, posting a cartoon with this feminist “joke”: Man: “You wear too much makeup.” Woman: “You consume too much oxygen.” Man: “It’s just my opinion, you’d look better withou–” Woman: “So would you. Without oxygen.” (pause) Woman: “F–k your opinions.”     This is a variation […]

The ‘Male Feminist’ Problem

How many times must I say it? Never talk to a feminist: Guys: Learn to take a hint. Learn to walk away. If a woman tells you she is a feminist, say nothing and walk away. No feminist wants to hear what a man has to say, and life is too short to waste your […]

Crazy #ShoutYourStatus Tweets Reveal What Feminists Want to Teach Your Kids

  Emily DePasse (@eld3393 on Twitter) calls herself “The Carrie Bradshaw of Herpes” — a reference to the protagonist of Sex and the City — and she’s teaching her beliefs to children at a private school in Baltimore. DePasse is a feminist who joined the #ShoutYourStatus campaign for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Month, declaring […]

The New Thought Crime: ‘Adultism’

Adultism “is running amok in America”: Parents know what’s best for their children? At the risk of tossing tons of other scenarios aside, we LGBTQIA+ kids have heard that last one plenty while trying to grow up while out. Parents say we’re not bi. Or queer. Or a boy. Or non-binary. They give us labels […]

Transgender Controversy as Gay Group Rescinds Book Award Nomination

  Pressure from transgender activists caused a gay literary organization to rescind its nomination for a former Northwestern University professor’s book, saying it is “inconsistent with . . . affirming LGBTQ lives.” Alice Dreger’s book Galileo’s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science had been nominated for the 28th annual “Lammie” […]

The Absence of Empathy: Understanding the Psychology of Sociopathic Feminism

Not every narcissist is a sociopath, but all sociopaths are narcissists. Like every other manifestation of identity politics, feminism is ultimately about narcissism, a celebration of selfishness masquerading as “social justice” in which identifying yourself as suffering from oppression serves not only as a rationalization of one’s personal failures, but also as a justification for […]

Feminism: Impossible to Parody

The thing about covering feminism is that craziness piles up so fast that it’s hard to keep up. No sooner do I get through with one wacko — recovering cocaine addict and topless Bernie Sanders supporter Tiernan Hebron — than someone calls my attention to another nutjob. Or two, as in the case of Katherine […]

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