The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Wacky Conservative Hit Piece About Raging Lesbian Feminist Carmen Rios’

Carmen Rios (@c_rios) is communications coordinator at the Feminist Majority Foundation and also a columnist at the lesbian blog Autostraddle, which has been sarcastically called “Cosmo for Queers.” Ms. Rios’ career as a lesbian activist was the subject of a blog post here Sunday, the latest in my “Sex Trouble” series about radical feminism. This […]

‘Hi, We’re Lesbian Feminists and We’re Here to Talk to Your Daughter About Sex’

Carmen Rios (@c_rios) is a “raging lesbian feminist” who is (a) communications coordinator for the Feminist Majority Foundation, and (b) a columnist for the lesbian blog Autostraddle. On her Twitter account, Rios calls herself the “Tweeter-in-Chief” for the Feminist Majority Foundation’s account @Majority Speaks, which means Rios was responsible for this message: That message linked […]

Sex Trouble: #DearFeministMen Illustrates a Fundamental Problem

“You can never please a feminist woman. And even feminist women despise men whom they can push around.” — Charlotte Allen “That’s what’s wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” — Rhett Butler, Gone With the Wind (1939) Let’s begin by explaining something that should be obvious, […]

Feminists Against ‘The Unnatural, Yet Universal Roles Patriarchy Has Assigned’

“We had turned the corner at U Street and were marching up 14th Street when the woman with the megaphone leading SlutWalk DC started a new chant: ‘We love consensual sex! We love consensual sex!’ Well, OK, but who doesn’t? Is there any actual opposition to this agenda? Is there an Anti-Consensual Sex Movement that […]

Sex Trouble: Feminists Worry That Disney Movies Are Making Girls Heterosexual

Jasmine was a victim of Aladdin’s magic patriarchal carpet. Is your daughter a victim of male oppression? Blame Aladdin — as well as The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, The Lion King and Toy Story 2. Disney cartoons and other G-rated children’s movies are full of “gendered sexuality,” subjecting women to the male “objectifying gaze,” as “heterosexuality is constructed through hetero-romantic […]

Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Son Describes Abuse by Feminist Pagan Fiction Author

Marion Zimmer Bradley was famous for her Avalon novel series. “Wicca refers to the practice of European paganism popular throughout Europe and North America. . . . Dianic Wicca refers to a more radical women-only practice, named for the Goddess Diana. The novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley have been influential for Dianic Wiccans . . […]

‘This Feminist Community That I’d Like to Consider Myself a Part Of’

The pathetic phrase quoted in the headline was spoken by Daniel Kopin in an interview with Cathy Young. Kopin, 21, is a Brown University student who was suspended after a school disciplinary proceeding in which he was found responsible for “sexual misconduct” with his ex-girlfriend and fellow Brown student Lena Sclove. It’s an interesting story: […]

‘Feminist Lezzy Heaven’

Lea DeLaria in the Netflix series ‘Orange Is the New Black’ “It’s like I’ve died and gone to feminist lezzy heaven. I’ve been a professional lesbian for over 30 years — before that I freelanced — but my entire career has been about that, putting a human face on what a butch is.” — Lea […]

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