The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death, Destruction, and the Dragon Awards

— by Wombat-socho I am probably the last person to find out that Dragon*Con, probably the largest non-comics convention in fandom, has finally bestirred itself and created its own set of awards – the Dragon Awards. This has been greeted with much glee by Sad and Rabid Puppies alike, with Declann Finn going so far […]

“Open Up Your Hate And Let It Flow Into Me”

— by Wombat-socho Or, Not Long Before The End With a little more than a week to go before MidAmericon II closes up nominations for the Hugo, both the Kindly Ones in charge of running Sad Puppies 4 and Our Supreme Dark Lord have prepared lists for your consideration. Predictably, there’s been a rush of […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Rally ‘Round The Banner, The Banner Purple And Green

— compiled by Wombat-socho It’s amusing that among the other crimes against “social justice” Stacy might be accused of by Twitter’s Committee of Public Safety is his support of #GamerGate, though in plain fact if he’s concerned with it at all, it’s as just another example of how utterly deranged feminists like Sarkeesian and Quinn […]

Immolation for the Hugos

— by Wombat-socho Took me a while to get around to this post, what with all the balls in the air I have going at the moment; hell, I haven’t even been able to get an In The Mailbox post out consistently during the weekdays for Lord knows how long now. Well, one thing at […]

Hugo Awards and Other Stuff

— compiled by Wombat-socho The deadline for voting on the 2015 Hugo Awards was midnight on Friday, and I got my votes in. The CHORFs and their allies tried to get in some last-minute shots, notably the Grauniad, only to be met with derision and an excellent fisking by the International Lord of Hate.* Also […]

Saturday Afternoon College Football & Open Post

— perpetrated by Wombat-socho This evening we’ve got all kinds of college football action: Syracuse @ #20 Clemson #3 Mississippi @ #23 LSU #4 Alabama @ Tennessee #rolltide South Carolina @ #6 Auburn #12 Ohio State @ Pedophile, er, Penn State #21 USC @ #19 Utah #14 Arizona State @ Washington Also, Game 4 of […]

You Stay Classy, Bill Schmalfeldt!

Bill Schmalfeldt: Proud to be a ‘Brain-Damaged Troll’ It’s been more than a week since we took notice of Brett Kimberlin fanboy Bill Schmalfeldt, who has been charged in Maryland with Internet harassment of Lee Stranahan. Before examining Schmalfeldt’s latest eruption of obscene idiocy, however, I’d like to treat you to an amusing blast from […]

“Watch Out! You Might Get What You’re After. Cool, babies.”

by Smitty This #OccupySF fellow wants to burn down the house:As shown in this graph, actually burning currency will have more than an emotional impact. . .never. But, hey: let’s not try to cast this silliness as unimportant. It gets at some serious education requirements. via ypngdotcom on Twitter And there’s more: Steven Crowder #OccupiesCrowd:

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