The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Poultry Attempt At Rule 5

by Smitty Pimbly sent a slightly cryptic tweet: @smitty_one_each Debbie Harry's head over the bikinied turkey is kinda surreal, Smitty. — ForgivingMichael (@WaltPimbley) June 29, 2014 But I realized instantly he was talking about my twitter profile, where a video/picture combination might trigger such an observation: It’s like an absurdist Boxing Helena sequel: “BHII: Talking […]

Franz Ferdinand “I’m Your Villain”

by Smitty Celebrating a century since the band’s namesake was snuffed by Gavrilo Princip, touching off the significant unpleasantness known as WWI, here is a Scottish quartet:

‘Hvilken Stilling Skyder Du På’?

That’s Danish for, “What position are you shooting at?” That question appears as a subtitle caption in video footage from Syria, so we can assume that it was a Danish video crew covering this scene with rebel gunmen in a firefight against Assad forces. In reply to the question, one of the gunmen answers, “We […]

Crowder Finds Truth In Weeeeed

by Smitty I submit that the interesting angle is the federalist one. If people are allowed to decided which plants they want to be when they grow up, after what other liberty could they grasp?

People Are Not Paying Attention To What Obama Says

by Smitty She said she was honored to meet Obama, but she is also frustrated that she has yet to receive help from either her insurance companies or the government. “The president told me I would get immediate help,” she said. @jammiewf The immediate help was delivered. After that instant, however, the differences in the […]

Let’s Blame Crowder

I mean, why not? Instead of this finger-pointing and blame-gaming and circular firing squad, let’s just grab hold of some random schmoe and make him the designated scapegoat for all our despair, rage, envy and frustration. Stephen Crowder is the new Emmanuel Goldstein!

Alfonzo Rachel’s Important Rant

by Smitty I like Herman Cain, and this is a great argument. Given that Gloria Allred delivered the final, crushing blow to the Cain campaign, one is tempted to speculate whether somebody on the Left wasn’t agreeing with Alfonzo Rachel’s thesis. Via Mike Cornelison

Obama Causes, Meets Coffins

by Smitty Listen here, Chris Wallace: “Interagency issues” are a crock. The buck doesn’t stop at the three-letter-acronym agencies. President “Gutsy Call” has become President “Putzy Gall”. BHO can’t get kudos for bin Laden and then shirk the responsibility for Benghazi. “This president is 100% committed to the people he sent overseas personally to represent […]

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