The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Laughed, I Cried, It Was A Part Of Me

by Smitty I have no idea who these Misfit Politics dudes are, but they do go for quality over quantity. Bravo! Via Michelle Malkin

They Pissed Hank Williams Jr. Right Off

by Smitty I may not be the biggest Country fan in the country, but you have to call it like you see it, and this is good: Via AmericanLady49

Hitler Finds Out That #OWS Is The New #AttaaaaackWaaaaatch

by Smitty Via the iOwnTheWorld and Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse And, with apologies to Mac Davis: [Chorus]: Oh Lord it’s hard to be Hitler when you’re risible in every way. I hate to browse to YouTube cause I get re-beclowned each day. To know me is to kick me I must be in hell, […]

Heritage.Org On The Continuing Fight Against ObamaCare

by Smitty Via Heritage: On Wednesday, Ken Hoagland, chairman of Restore America’s Voice Foundation, delivered the petitions of 1.6 million Americans demanding the repeal of Obamacare to legislators on Capitol Hill. Pay attention to Rep. Steve King at 2:15, where he says, to paraphrase: We have very little experience undoing bad law. Once it’s on […]

Reason TV At #OccupyWallStreet

by Smitty One is stunned, and left to wonder where these people [Update: yes, the #OWS weenies, not the ReasonTV folks, sorry for the ambiguous definite article] were for any Tea Parties? There may be some muscle and skeleton somewhere to support the concerns of some that that #OWS is supposed to provide shock troops […]

Pat Condell Offering Simple, Sad Truth

by Smitty A pitch-perfect delivery, via Da Tech Guy. UPDATE (RSM): The strongest sentence is when Condell says of the Palestinian leaders, “They don’t want peace, they want victory, and the won’t be happy until Israel is wiped from the map.” Palestinian nationalism is a toxic legacy of an era young people don’t remember and […]

Scott Ott With A News Shot

by Smitty While it’s still barely Wednesday, here is one of Pennsylvania’s finest sons: Ott is a wonderful Christian fellow with a delightfully dry twist on the humor. He may not beat Jodi Miller over on NewsBusted in a beauty contest, but that’s a state with which I can empathize.

Stacy McCain Will Get Nothing Out Of Steven Crowder’s Latest

by Smitty Steven is on about nutrition, diet, and healthy lifestyle. Fortunately for Stacy McCain, his copy of Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72 is a special combination book/mojo that both wards off the effects of Stacy’s otherwise deleterious lifestyle, and blesses him with Special Gonzo Phrasing, to invigorate his writing.

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