The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Gary Glenn Vows ‘We Will Restore the Greatness of Our Republic’

Gary Glenn, running in the Republican primary to take on Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow next year, just released this video: Glenn has emerged as the favorite of Tea Party activists in Michigan, and has won a series of straw polls. Last week, he won 45% of the vote following a Tea Party-sponsored debate in Richland, […]

VIDEO: Latma Works Out On Bob Dylan ‘The Times, They Are A-Changin’

by Smitty This is one of those that is technically polished, and completely worth your time. Yet somehow the collision of Dylan and Gaza becomes so horrific that you may forget to laugh. via Atlas Shrugs

NSFW Video Jiggers A Bigger Digger

by Smitty I won’t embed the clip, due to the amount of potty mouth and the word that sorts between Jigger and Rigger, but go watch this. As with Pulp Fiction, the talent on display manages to overcome the foul language. However, this is far shorter, makes a point, and manages to twist humorously more […]

Ron Paul Still A Few Foreign Policy Briefs Behind, But Tempering His Rhetoric

by Smitty Via Political Class Dismissed, we have Ron Paul on Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, born under FDR and who has been with CBS since, shag me, I was born. Schieffer sounds his age, and tries to go after Paul on the usual foreign policy topics. Interestingly, Paul tempers his opinions on questions […]

Palate Cleanser: A Marriage Proposal

by Smitty via Jazz Shaw and Off Color Funny Videos, although this is completely safe for work: Mine was a poem recital at the Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon. Proposal videos are a refreshing break from the standard idiocy of the news.

‘Mitt Romney’ On SNL: Among The Stranger Campaign Ads Of All Time

by Smitty Last night’s SNL campaign ad is pure Mitt. Superficially, the ad is about how stiff and un-funny Mitt is. Jason Sudeikis doesn’t go far enough in capturing the slightly congested, Brokaw-esque diction that helps me understand why some people really don’t care for Sarah Palin’s accent, either (she bothers me not). So, I […]

Steven Crowder’s Latest, Plus The #Occupy Anthem: Anarchy Burger!

by Smitty Steven Crowder has what he thinks is the final #Occupy video: That’s un-possible. The final one will be the shot in 2013 when #OccupyResoluteDesk is relieved by ________. The other glitch with Steven’s video is the lack of a soundtrack. This old chestnut from a while back came to mind during the #OccupyBandNames […]

Updated: Irish WTF? VIDEO: Notwithstanding Daniel Hannan, Is Nigel Farage The Only Man In Brussels With Hair #1?

by Smitty Via Tyler Durden: Now that he has been proven correct, he has every right to gloat, which he does to everyone’s delightful amusement in the European parliament. The look on the unelected von Rompuy’s face, especially as he watches his decade-long bureaucratic nirvana crash and burn every single day, quite priceless. As I […]

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