The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Workin’ Hard, Tryin’ To Figure Out Them There Women

by Smitty Yahoo News reports Men Often Misread Women’s Sexual Cues: Study You can’t help but go here: Back to The Fine Article: The researchers found that: Men who wanted a short-term sexual encounter were more likely to overestimate a woman’s desire for them. Men who believed they were “hot” also thought the women were […]

Santorum Iowa Ad: ‘Join the Fight’

Last night’s final debate in Sioux City was probably the best yet for Rick Santorum, says Bryan Preston of PJ Media, noting that the former Pennsylvania senator “showed very solid instincts on a range of issues” — as he has all along. There has been no “drama,” no flip-flopping from Santorum, and he has gotten […]

VIDEO: Santorum on Hannity

Who’s fired up? Rick Santorum’s fired up! Watch the latest video at Some headlines from Friday. ABC News: Rick Santorum Nabs Big Iowa Endorsement JOHNSTON, Iowa – Rick Santorum got his biggest endorsement yet at a small hotel here: Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz. Calling it the “best day of the campaign,” he […]

VIDEO: How Obama Stole Christmas

This video is destined to go viral: Hat-tip to Alyssa Farah, who sent me the press release: COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: OBAMA HAS PUT SANTA OUT OF WORK Washington, DC, December 5, 2011 — The College Republican National Committee has released a new Christmas-themed campaign video depicting your favorite Christmas characters checking into the unemployment line. It […]

Tepid Star Wars Fan At Best, But This Made Up For The Hype With Cool

by Smitty via Miss Cellania

SANTORUM SUNDAY EXPRESS: Exclusive Video From May 2011 At SFVRC

by Smitty The San Fernando Valley Republican Club invited Rick Santorum to speak prior to the initial GOP debate. Richard McEnroe, the esteemed vast right wing conspirator who blogs at Three Beers Later has honored this blog with the opportunity to preview the video of Rick Santorum’s speech, to maximize the audience reach. “A Tea […]

Crowder Turns The Fallon/Bachmann Incident Into Conservative Recruiting Call

by Smitty Steven Crowder recaps the disgraceful Michele Bachmann intro music, and links in the new Miley Cyrus video. Crowder then argues, as many have, that conservative kids need to mount a counter-insurgency on Hollyweird. That is certainly one prong. But also, efforts like Declaration Entertainment are crucial to building a fresh, renewed culture based […]

New Cain Campaign Video: ‘Put an Executive in the Executive Office’

The Herman Cain campaign today released a new online video focusing on job creation and economic issues: A press release (see full text below) from the campaign called the video a “new Iowa ad,” although the length — 51 seconds instead of 30 seconds — would make it incompatible with standard broadcast requirements. The statement […]

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