The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Motherf–g Tone: Wisconsin Woman Arrested for Death Threats to Republicans

Who knew “civility” was a felony in Wisconsin? A 26-year-old woman was charged Thursday with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts for allegedly making email threats against Wisconsin lawmakers during the height of the battle over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill. Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains was named in a criminal complaint filed […]

05Apr: Walker’s Wisconsin Waterloo?

by Smitty John Nolte at Big Government updates us on the status of the case of the Union vs. Governor Walker in Wisconsin. It’s an excellent overview, worthy of your full attention. The gist is that if one of the four conservative judges on the court, Prosser, is lost on the 05Apr election, then the […]

Fortunately, It’s Wisconsin …

. . . so liberals will have plenty of cheese to go with their whine, as the new law limiting the power of government-employee unions is enacted. Note the biased implication of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel headline: Collective bargaining law published despite restraining order Yes, despite the judicial majesty of Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi, […]

Mises on ‘Christian Socialism’

“Christian Socialism, as it has taken root in the last few decades among countless followers of all Christian churches, is merely a variety of State Socialism. … Agriculture and handicraft, with perhaps small shopkeeping, are the only admissible occupations. Trade and speculation are superfluous, injurious, and evil. … It is the duty of legislation to […]

The Wisconsin Restraining Order as a Harbinger of 2012?

by Smitty Walsh at The Corner is sounding just a teeny bit alarmist about what’s going on in cheeseland: Yes, a mighty jurist in Dane County with the Dickensian name of Maryann Sumi has halted publication of the new law restricting collective-bargaining privileges for the state’s public-sector unions until she can rule on its merits. […]

In E-Mail to Dan Riehl, Shankman Claims ‘Very Mainstream Catholic Theology’

This is a very significant message from Wisconsin pro-union cyberstalker James L. Shankman: With regards to distributivism, it is very mainstream catholic theology. You could ask James O’Keefe, who says he is personally inspired by G.K. Chesterton. Chesterton is the main political philosopher of distributivism. The last couple pages of What’s Wrong With the World are […]

Dan Riehl Always Gets His Man: Madison Althouse Stalker James L. Shankman UPDATE: Social F–ing Justice Theory? Shankman Quotes … Pope Leo XIII!

Hey, did I call this one or what? I’d expect online research maestro Dan Riehl is going to have much, much more to tell us about Mr. Shankman. As soon as Shankman was ID’d as author of the anti-Althouse rant, Dan’s name crossed my mind and within a couple hours he was on the phone […]

New Motherf–g Tone Update: ‘A Sense of Entitlement That Leads to Criminality’ UPDATE: Althouse Cyberstalker Says ‘Forced to Commit Identity Suicide’

UPDATE 10:55 p.m.: The terroristic screed against University of Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse was posted on a Web account of Madison resident Jim Shankman. In a Facebook status update about 9 p.m. this evening, Shankman wrote: Because of a right-blogosphere campaign to silence me, I have been forced to commit Identity Suicide. I have never supported or […]

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