The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wisconsin Senate Seat Open for 2012 as Democrat Kohl Announces Retirement

This is very bad news for Democrats: U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl said he would not seek re-election next fall, believing it’s better to “leave a job a little too early than a little too late.” Kohl, 76, said it is time to give someone else the opportunity to serve in the seat he has held […]

Wisconsin: Kloppenburg’s Folly

Steve Eggleston reports that the recount demanded by JoAnne Kloppenburg in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election has now reached the 69% point, and that the liberal Kloppenburg has gained less than 200 votes, an insignificant dent in Judge David Prosser’s 7,000-vote margin. It’s always nice when liberals waste their time and money on such futile […]

Wisconsin: Are Liberals Aborting Themselves Into Political Oblivion?

In writing about Tricia Willoughby — the 14-year-old home-schooler who showed such poise during her speech Saturday at the Tea Party rally in Madison — James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal took note that Miss Willoughby is the daughter of Wisconsin pro-life activists. Taranto also noticed that between 1975 and 1992, there were 316,457 […]

Well, Of Course: 14-Year-Old Wisconsin Tea Party Speaker Is Home-Schooler

When I saw this video at Ann Althouse’s blog (hat-tip, Instapundit), I did some quick searching and learned that Tricia Willoughby is a home-schooler and debate champion, one of three daughters of Wisconsin pro-life leaders Bret and Nancy Willoughby: As the father of six home-schooled kids myself, I’m very proud to see Miss Willoughby’s poise as […]

Wound + Salt = ‘Hey, Liberals, How Are You Liking That Wisconsin Result?’

Yesterday afternoon, when it looked like liberal Joanne Kloppenburg had narrowly defeated Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, I was in abject misery. Now? Baby, I feel fine! In a political bombshell, the clerk in a Republican stronghold released new vote totals adding a net total of 7,582 new votes in the tight state […]

Gone, Wisconsin!

Joan Kloppenburg has declared victory in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election — apparently winning by a margin of 204 votes — and thus dies whatever hope there had been for the state’s economic and political future. Gov. Scott Walker and the newly-elected Republican majority in the legislature had begun the only possible reform that could have saved Wisconsin: The […]

Prosser Wins in Wisconsin
UPDATE: Kloppenburg Steals It?

Yeah, I know that’s not the headline this morning. “Too Close to Call,” they say, but with 99% of precincts reporting and conservative Justice David Prosser leading by 585 votes in the state Supreme Court race, I’m calling it: Prosser wins. Even if the unions finagle the recount and manage to steal this thing for […]

Is The Wisconsion Union Self-Aware Enough To Grasp That It Is Behaving In The Taliban Fashion?

by Smitty (h/t Protein Wisdom) Here in Afghanistan, the various terrorist networks use night letters to intimidate the populace. It seems that word of this approach has reached Wisconsin and somehow been deemed acceptable: The missive concludes by noting that, “With that we’d ask that you reconsider taking a sign and stance to support public […]

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