The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You Can’t Have Your Cow And Milk It, Too

by Smitty (via Protein Wisdom) The bog-like decay of a legal system run amok produces another horrible result in Wisconsin: On September 9, Judge Fiedler issued his decision on the motion, stating that the court’s August 12 denial of plaintiffs’ motion for judgment meant the following: Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own […]

Will Scott Be A Gentle Walker Into That Black Knight?

by Smitty Alan Colmes: “Wisconsin Democrats Still Vow To Recall Governor Scott Walker” Wisconsin unions: “Come back here, Governor Walker, and I’ll bite your leg off!”

GOP Wins Recall Battle in Wisconsin

Outspent 2-to-1 by Democrats and unions, Republicans held onto control of the Wisconsin state senate, winning four of six challenged seats in Tuesday’s recall elections. And next week, two Democrat senators will face their own recall challenges. Allahpundit live-blogged the whole thing and concludes: “After months of agitation over the collective bargaining law, the supreme […]

Stupid Is Seven Feet Tall

Yes, I’m talking about Troglopundit: In 1988, I voted for Sen. Paul Simon (D-Illinois) in the Democrats’ presidential primary. There are still a lot of dumb people in Wisconsin. But it was much worse before Sean Hackbarth moved to Washington, D.C.

Milwaukee Celebrated 4th of July With Fireworks, Looting, Racial Mob Violence

Guess which was more dangerous? Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter. “They just said ‘Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,’?” said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park […]

How to Bankrupt a ‘Gay Pride’ Outfit

Let me ask my fellow social conservatives a question: If you could figure out a sneaky but legal way to kneecap a left-wing organization, would you do it? And I’m not sure this is merely a hypothetical question. 2008 Madison Pride A Low-Key Affair Madison — It was “Back To Basics” for this year’s Madison […]

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Angers Big Labor by Upholding Walker’s Law

This is big news: Acting with unusual speed, the state Supreme Court on Tuesday reinstated Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to all but end collective bargaining for tens of thousands of public workers. The unions, Democrats and their liberal allies are, as you might expect, apoplectic with rage. For example, Ed Schultz on MSNBC was even […]

Prosser Wins in Wisconsin

Remember when Democrats and unions claimed that Scott Walker’s agenda was electoral doom for the GOP? Not so much: A grueling statewide recount concluded Friday that Justice David Prosser defeated challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg to win another 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a race driven by the debate over Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s […]

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