The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama

According to Politico, this new TV ad is now running in Wisconsin and will soon be running in Pennsylvania: UPDATE: This ad appears to be part of a general effort by the Santorum campaign to put the focus squarely on health care, as the candidate also publishes an op-ed column in USA Today: As the […]

Newt Ally Says We’re Doomed

Alexander Burns of Politico interviews longtime Newt Gingrich aide Rick Tyler, who is now in charge of the pro-Newt super PAC: “Because I think ultimately, [Gingrich will] be proven right and if Mitt Romney is the nominee we will lose in the fall,” Tyler said. . . . Romney has “pursued the politics of personal […]

Satan Angered by New Poll Showing Santorum Ahead 34%-18% in Wisconsin

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Stopped in here at McDonald’s and got online to discover that Satan’s plan to destroy America is now the top story in the country. This is why neutral objective journalist George Stephanopoulos interviewed neutral objective Mitt Romney supporter Chris Christie about the urgently relevant Satan issue today. Stephanopoulos and Christie: What a team, […]

Scott Walker Is A Threat To The Status Quo

by Smitty How dare this man keep campaign promises, govern soberly, balance the budget, and refrain from raping the taxpayer? Didn’t he get the memo that, as of Barack Obama, our elected executives are giving it the Full Nero? Walker is about as dangerous as my own governor, Bob McDonnell. Perhaps moreso: Walker did it […]

Quote Of The Day

by Smitty Dr. Tim’s Moment of Clarity: The unemployed 26-year old in the hemp hat looking for sympathy might look instead for some inspiration from Jerome I. Case, who started his agricultural equipment business at the age of 21, miraculously without an iPhone 4s. Mr. Case got rich by asking people what they want and […]

‘It Was a Pause! … Good Grief!’

So said Herman Cain to a media scrum Monday in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where a reporter for the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel got to go along for a ride on the campaign bus. Back in August, Ellen Carmichael promised me a ride on the campaign bus in Iowa, but it never happened because they changed the schedule […]

It’s Bad Enough That The World’s Youngest Blogger’s Intro To Navy Football Was A Flogging

by Smitty I mean, you’re trying to show the guy the old school, and then some wiseacre pulls a stunt like this. There are words for people like you, Steve Burri, and those words are not nice. Not nice at all. And the World’s Youngest blogger speaks for himself:

Frank Lasee: Conservative Seeks to Bring Wisconsin Reform Message to U.S. Senate

“Let’s Get Wisconsin Working Again” was the winning message that helped elect Frank Lasee to a state senate seat in Wisconsin last fall, and he was part of the conservative Republican majority that pushed through reform legislation and balanced the budget under Gov. Scott Walker. A veteran legislator with a business background, first elected to […]

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