The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘It’s Pretty Much a Hate Crime’ — Seven Reported Dead in Sikh Temple Shooting UPDATE: Act of ‘Domestic Terrorism’ UPDATE: Liberals Blame Bachmann UPDATE: Report Says Shooter ‘Had Just Broken Up With His Girlfriend’

While we do not yet have definite information on the identity of a man who went on a shooting rampage in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, one worshipper at the Sikh Temple summarized the situation pretty bluntly: One of the temple’s committee members, Ven Boba Ri, said that based on communication with people […]


This is an emergency post. Driving back from the AFP Defending the Dream Summit in D.C., I pulled off the freeway and logged on at a Burger King to get this online as quickly as possible: Mitt Romney must choose Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential nominee, period. There is no time now to fully […]

Will Jesse Kelly Surf A Wisconsin Wave In The Arizona-8 Special Election 12Jun?

by Smitty Eternal political vigilance is the price of freedom, and we’ve got a multi-trillion dollar tab to show for how we, as a whole, have flaked off these decades. Signs of life such as yesterday’s recall in Wisconsin are necessary, but not sufficient. Continuous engagement is the new rule. Thus, attention shifts to a […]

Tougher Toe Touted To Try Titanium Testicle Tagging

by Smitty Before I die, I’d like to kick Scott Walker in the balls @theburiedlife — Chelsea (@chelseagirl) June 6, 2012 Thought I’d immortalize ol’ Chelsea Girl and her ‘new tone’ with a bit of alliteration.

CNN Calls It For Walker

by Smitty Stacy’s location remains undisclosed, and he’s asked me to head up the results. Legal Insurrection has a swell Social Media plug-in. We did that once for, I seem to recall, the ObamaCare vote. Neat technology, but not much historical trace there. Memeorandum has the Democrat’s sucking chest wound on display: Robocalls lying Recall […]

Rule 5 In WI: Dana Loesch Interviews LtGov Rebecca Kleefisch

by Smitty Don’t let the fact that this is one knockout interviewing another knockout distract you from the importance of the message: as Wisconsin goes on Tuesday, so goes the rest of the country. I did donate some money to Gov. Walker, but Kleefisch’s message (in summary, “Don’t get cocky, kid”) is spot on. Things […]

Rick James Has What Wisconsin Democrats Need: Unity

by Smitty Insta-Althouse reports big trouble in Troglo-reich, as in what perhaps is a Dick Lugar shout-out, the Dems can’t seem to get their junk together and consolidate their opposition to the common-sense leadership of Scott Walker: Unity: Brother, sister, There’s got to be, Uuuuuuniiiiiity. Yeeeeeeahhh. Unity. Unity’s what missing in our Liiiiiiiiiives. Can’t you […]

Tom Barrett’s War on Wisconsin Women

Mayor Tom Barrett is a misogynistic patriarchal oppressor who thinks you look fat in those pants. Progressive women in Wisconsin are about to learn a lesson they should have learned four years ago when Hillary Clinton got thrown under the wheels of Obama’s bus: All that talk you hear from Democrats about “women’s rights” goes […]

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