The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Dark Money’! ‘Corporate Interests’! The Left’s Wisconsin Conspiracy Theory

Lisa Graves is a Democrat Party hack who apparently believes it should be illegal to be a conservative, and who thinks that cooperation between conservatives is therefore a criminal conspiracy. Graves used to work for Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy and the ACLU, but since 2009 has worked for the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), […]

Justice Delayed in Girl’s Murder

In 1970, 9-year-old Donna Willing was kidnapped, raped and strangled in Milwaukee. The investigation of her murder failed to solve the crime, but in 2007, Donna’s younger sister persuaded detectives to re-open the case. The cold-case investigation soon identified a suspect: Convicted sex offender Robert Hill, who had lived next door to Donna’s family at […]

Joe Biden: Obama’s Albatross

Vulgar comments to the father of a Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi? Yeah, that’s just a start. How about Joe, the Omen of Economic Doom? Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in Oshkosh on Friday, a day after one of the largest area employers announced 450 layoffs — the result of expected cuts to the […]

Wisconsin Shooting Rampage: Suspected Gunman Reportedly Among 3 Dead UPDATE: Killer Radcliffe Houghton Signed Scott Walker Recall Petition

Details are emerging in the shooting at a spa near the Brookfield Square Mall in the suburbs of Milwaukee. The suspected gunman has been identified as 45-year-old Radcliffe F. Haughton, and police say Haughton was found dead inside the Azana Salon & Spa on North Moorland Road. Via Memeorandum. UPDATE: Dan Riehl had an early […]

Department of Unfortunate Quotations

Suppose that a father wished to advise his son against taking liberties with young ladies, lest the boy be unfairly accused of a crime. Now, suppose that the boy grew up to be a Republican state legislator in Wisconsin, and decided that his dear old Dad’s advice would be worth sharing with the press. Prepare to […]

Prediction: Public Sector Strike In WI

by Smitty Reasoning: The Chicago teachers strike is ongoing. Dane County Judge Juan Colas, in the biggest judicial WTF since Justice Roberts let fly with his ObamaCare decision, “returns the law to its status before Walker signed his law in March 2011“ ??? Electoral profit! Note that ‘reason’ encounters a Left-wing singularity right around #3 […]

New Video From #RomneyRyan Campaign: ‘America’s Comeback Team’

“I’m proud to stand with a man who understands what it takes to foster job creation in our economy, someone who knows from experience, that if you have a small business — you did build that. . . . I’m excited for what lies ahead and I’m thrilled to be a part of America’s Comeback […]

New Democrat Campaign Message: Grandma, Cliff, Some Assembly Required

Members of the Democrat-Media Complex like Charles Pierce of Esquire and James Fallows of the Atlantic are already registering their disdain of Paul Ryan, and the Democrats are busy e-mailing their massive oppo-research PDF dossier to reporters, so the media attacks on Ryan are pre-scripted dictation from the DNC research department. This is predictable, and […]

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