The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Priebus Elected RNC Chair on 7th Ballot

UPDATE XV: On the seventh ballot, Wisconsin GOP chairman Reince Priebus got 97 votes and was thereby elected the new chairman of the Republican National Committee. Tough fight. Congratulations to the winner. Hopefully he won’t seek vengeance against his opponents. They say those Cheeseheads can be heinously vindictive. Just ask Troglopundit. UPDATE XVI: The final […]

Wisconsin Dem Bumper Sticker Shows ‘Bloody Crash’ into GOP Governor’s Head

The Associated Press: Robin Vos, a Racine Republican, is taking offense at a Democratic bumper sticker he claims shows a train slamming into Gov.-elect Scott Walker’s head in a bloody crash. He thinks Democrats should stop offering it. The bumper sticker is available on the Wisconsin Democratic Party’s website. The sticker is emblazoned with the […]

MELTDOWN: Wisconsin GOP Chair’s RNC Bid Destroyed by Stimulus Scandal

Wisconsin Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus was, until tonight, a contender to replace Michael Steele as chairman for the Republican National Committee. But Priebus’s evident involvement in soliciting federal stimulus funds for his law firm’s clients emerged Tuesday as a scandal that will likely destroy whatever chance he had, as Dan Riehl explains at Big Government: […]

OUTRAGE: Wisconsin Strip Club Denies Equal Rights to Nude Lap Dances

“I have a dream that some day all God’s children will be stuffing dollar bills into the garters of meth-addicted skanks . . .” The shocking story: An Abbotsford business man is under fire for posting a ‘No negroes allowed’ sign in his future gentlemen’s club. The sign excluding black people is enraging residents of […]

Student Takes Hostages in Wisconsin; UPDATE: 15-Year-Old Gunman Commits Suicide; Hostages Freed Unharmed

Marinette High School, about 50 miles north of Green Bay: A student armed with a handgun burst into a high school classroom in eastern Wisconsin on Monday, taking nearly two dozen students and a teacher hostage at the end of the school day, authorities said. Five hostages were released by mid-evening. . . . Police […]

Nine Key States for 2012

Jennifer Rubin identifies the Democratic senators who are most vulnerable in the next cycle: Jon Tester, Bill Nelson, Jim Webb, Claire McCaskill, Ben Nelson, Sherrod Brown, and Kent Conrad, for starters. That’s a total of seven Democrats who voted for (were all the 60th vote for) ObamaCare, supported the stimulus plan, and come from states […]

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