The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

She Went Down to the Demonstration …

. . . to get her fair share of abuse, but even Ann Althouse can’t always get what she wants. She found a woman holding a sign that said, “Please don’t teabag our children.” (Question: Did that woman have any children of her own? Or was the phrase “our children” employed in the progressive, collectivist […]

Wisconsin Updates

Tea Party activists staged a “Stand With Scott Walker” rally today at the Capitol in Madison. Our man Troglopundit was on the scene and Tweeted that the union goons outnumbered the pro-Walker crowd. But he also Tweets this: Speaker: Know when we got the idea for this rally? Thursday. Thousands of you here! Given the short […]

Which Flag?

“[H]ave you noticed how many of the union protesters are invoking the Egyptian uprising against Hosni Mubarek? And carrying the Egyptian flag? Because the freely and fairly elected Governor of Wisconsin is just like the former dictator of Egypt . . It’s a good thing they are not carrying the Gadsden Flag, because that would […]

Like a Broken Clock Twice a Day …

. . . occasionally Joe Klein is right: Revolutions everywhere–in the middle east, in the middle west. But there is a difference: in the middle east, the protesters are marching for democracy; in the middle west, they’re protesting against it. I mean, Isn’t it, well, a bit ironic that the protesters in Madison, blocking the […]


Ann Althouse: “After all those efforts to paint Tea Partiers as using violent images and rhetoric, these pictures from Madison have got to hurt.” It’s also going to hurt that Democrats are issuing “demands” like … uh, hostage-takers. But as Ace of Spades says, there are times when liberals find a “Climate of Hate” useful. […]

Cheesehead Revolution?

They elected Ron Johnson to the Senate, elected Scott Walker governor, and elected Reince Priebus as RNC chairman. Now the Wisconsin Republicans have chased Democrats out of the state senate: Law enforcement officers are searching for Democratic senators boycotting a Senate vote on Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair plan Thursday in an attempt to bring the […]

Obama Jinxes Steelers in Super Bowl

Ever since the president put the curse on Philly, every NFL team has prayed that Obama wouldn’t endorse them. Obama: ‘I’ve got some love for the Steelers’ Sorry, Pittsburgh fans: Packers by 4. But at least Dan Collins can enjoy the sexy cheerleader at AOSHQ. UPDATE: Everybody else has already blogged this, so what the heck?

Packers Fans: ‘New Tone?’ Bite Me!

Even since Reince Priebus got the RNC chairmanship, Wisconsinians have become increasingly uncivil: Via notorious “Chubby Chaser” Dan Collins. We’re currently preparing for our First Annual Dan Collins Plus-Size Dream Girl Lingerie Show.

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