The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mike Capuano: Thug 4 Life

“He’s a thug, plain and simple,” says Pundette, after Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Mike Capuano demonstrated the liberal “New Tone” at a union rally in Boston: “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the […]

‘Wrist Slaps for Everyone’

That’s Allahpundit’s prognosis for the outcome of the “investigation” of University of Wisconsin doctors writing bogus excuses for protesters in Madison: This involves a few individuals out of the nearly 1,300 physicians at UW Health. These UW Health physicians were acting on their own and without the knowledge or approval of UW Health. These charges […]

Wisconsin Democrat: Don’t Distract Me With the Heavenly Touch Massage Parlor

Busted in Appleton, Wisconsin: Appleton police say a municipal citation they issued to state Rep. Gordon Hintz earlier this month is connected to a prostitution investigation involving an Appleton massage parlor. The 37-year-old Oshkosh Democrat was arrested Feb. 10 and cited the next day under a city sexual misconduct ordinance. . . . Police searched […]

You May Be Surprised by This

Or maybe not: The federal government gave $669.6 million to the public schools in Wisconsin in fiscal 2008, according to the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). That is more than 20 times as much as the $30 million that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is trying to save in the current fiscal […]

Sissypuss The Blog Kitty Will Now Do A Performance Art Summary Of The Leftist Triumph In Wisconsin

by Smitty This is a little something mooched from Miss Cellania that summarizes the situation in cheeseland rather effectively. It’s below the fold so that Stacy doesn’t reach through the internet and slap me for slowing the page load.

The Real Deal in Madison

Dan Collins at Piece of Work in Progress recounts the story behind the protests in Wisconsin: How Democrats, after losing the November election, called a special lame-duck session in an abortive effort to lock in sweetheart deals for government employee unions. When that didn’t work, Democrats have since tried to prevent Republicans from acting to […]

VIDEO: Chicago Commies in Wisconsin

Thanks to Maggie’s Notebook for this video from the MacIver Institute showing Chicago-based members of the Revolutionary Communist Party arriving in Madison to distribute their propaganda at the protests: Bob Avakian’s RCP is the leading Maoist group in the U.S. RCP spinoffs include Refuse & Resist and Not in Our Name, which were important presences in the Bush-era […]

I Guess The Real Question Is: ‘Can An Amphibian Like Troglopundit Be Elected’?

by Smitty Hopes of a domestically boring time period while I’m over by the Hindu Kush have proven futile. One would not have picked Wisconsin as the epicenter of the meltdown, but there it is. The teachers jumped the shark, and the Democrats jumped the border. Chicago Boyz point out that, in addition to quirky […]

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