The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Not The Time To Go Wobbly In Wisconsin

by Smitty Lefty poll blog Swing State Project says that three Republican State Senators are in trouble against a generic Democrat. It would be great to have confidence that the blogging prowess of Ann Althouse, as well as the bloviations of the TrogloPundit and Grandpa John could be counted upon to avert disaster. But the […]

Governor Walker Reeling From Rhetorical Blow Dealt By. . .Susan Sarandon?

by Smitty (via Lucianne) Politico captures the less-than-stunning verbal impact: Sarandon spoke to The Nation’s John Nichols about why she travelled to the Midwest. “I wanted to say thank you for everyone who’s kept this fight going, who have awakened all the union members. I’m a union member. I’m also a mom whose kids have […]

When Moe’s On, He’s On

“Let me see if I can guess the contents of the article, based on just the title (‘Governor Walker’s Coup D’Etat’): Robert Reich is going to use the Rubber Bands of Mendacity, Hyperbole, and Bad Polling to create a Frankenstein’s Monster of an assertion that somehow Governor Walker — with his voting majorities in the state […]

Epic Rant by Jeff Motherf–g G.

Borrowing the Hammer’s “new tone” motif for a minute, because it’s beautiful when Jeff G. gets his rant on: Here’s what these idiot Madison “protesters” — along with their intellectually bankrupt fellow travelers playing Solidarnosc on f***ing facebook as if this is just another cause celebre the world has ginned up to keep hipsters feeling […]

Wisconsin: GOP Wins, Dems Cry ‘Unfair’

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: With Democrats still in Illinois, the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions for most public workers that have stood for decades, sending a flood of angry protesters into the Capitol. The bill, which has drawn international attention, is to be taken up at 11 a.m. Thursday by the […]

Democrat Group Declares War on Koch: ‘Secretive Republican Billionaire Brothers’

If you ever sign up for the e-mail lists on liberal Web sites, you’ll soon become accustomed to getting fundraising appeals keyed to the latest moonbat obsessions. Democracy for America — the “progressive” group started by Howard Dean after his 2004 presidential campaign meltdown — just sent me this one: Robert – The Wall Street […]

Mob Rules: Wisconsin Protesters Swarm GOP Legislator, Scream ‘Shame! Shame!’

Via Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit; more at Michelle Malkin and Hot Air: If this is what “civility” is supposed to look like . . .

Was Hoax Call to Scott Walker a Crime?

Professor William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection reports that the liberal blogger who impersonated David Koch in a prank call to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker may have violated Wisconsin law.

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