The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anna Shireman-Grabowski: Only Through Suicide Could She Ever Expiate Her Guilt

The very existence of this Middlebury College student is an act of historical oppression, exploitation and genocidal imperialism: My intention was not to cause pain but to visibilize the necessity of honoring all human life and to help a friend heal from the violence of genocide that she carries with her on a daily basis […]

Palin Helps Romney Win Alaska

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania Mitt Romney has a powerful ally in his effort to win the Republican nomination: Sarah Palin, who told a Fox News reporter last night that she voted for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich got 1,834 votes in the Alaska caucuses, giving the former House Speaker 14.2% of the vote, good for a fourth-place finish behind […]

‘Support a Progressive Champion’

Readers will excuse my lack of blogging today, as I’ve been on the phone and working on an article about the Orlando straw poll. Smitty seems to have been a busy blog beaver, perhaps having escaped the Third World bandwidth suckage en route from Afghanistan toward home, so a dearth of updates is fortunately not […]

Another Reminder That the Academic Elite Are Your Moral Superiors

Michael Schultz is associate vice president for development and alumni affairs at the University of Vermont, and wrote his 2009 Ph.D. thesis on a very interesting subject: “Elucidating the Role of the Presidential Spouse in Development and Alumni Relations.” The role of the university president’s spouse in alumni relations is a subject Schultz knows intimately, […]

In E-Mail, Democracy for America Claims Credit for Bernie Sanders Filibuster

If you were wondering Friday why Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont Socialist, now apparently owns C-SPAN2, the answer — at least according to Arshad Hasan, Executive Director of Democracy for America (DFA) — is that he was following orders. This morning, Hasan sent this e-mail to DFA’s list: It’s weeks like this that I’m reminded why I love working […]

Thank You, Vermont!

Dear Vermont Voters: That’s really great how you elected a self-avowed socialist to the Senate. I mean because otherwise, when we conservatives tried to warn that socialists are attempting to take over the country, people might scoff at this as an implausible menace. But then there’s Sen. Bernie Sanders: The Vermont senator took aim at […]

PRIMARY ELECTION NIGHT HQ SHOCKER! Challenger Miller Upsets Murkowski in Alaska GOP Senate Primary MORE RESULTS: McCain Wins in Arizona GOP Primary; Scott Wins GOP Gubernatorial Nomination in Florida

ALASKA SENATE UPSET: Palin-Backed GOP Challenger Defeats Murkowski, AOSHQ Declares By Robert Stacy McCain 5:20 a.m. ET Sen. Lisa Murkowski was defeated in Tuesday’s Republican primary by conservative challenger Joe Miller. An endorsement by Sarah Palin, and support from pro-lifers and Tea Party activists, proved decisive in the Gulf War veteran’s hard-fought victory over Murkowski. With 77% of precincts reporting when ballot counting ended […]