The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deported Immigrant Sex Offender Caught by Border Patrol in Texas

  Guarantee you won’t see this story reported on CNN: U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station arrested a convicted sex offender in Eagle Pass, Monday. “Our agents are tasked with preserving our way of life and ensuring the integrity of our borders and the security of our communities,” said Del Rio […]

Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

  Yesterday, I explained that Democrats have nominated an anti-white hate-monger to challenge Republican Pete Sessions in Texas’s 32nd Congressional District. Today, I’m highlighting another extremist Democrat in Texas, Gina Ortiz Jones, who finished first in a five-way primary, with 42% of the vote and then defeated Rick Trevino in the May runoff, to challenge […]

Democrat Texas Congressional Candidate Colin Allred Is Anti-White Hate-Monger

  Republican political consultant Matt Mackowiak discovers dangerous ideas embraced by Democrats hoping to ride a “blue wave” in November: One of the prized Democratic recruits of the 2018 cycle is former NFL player and Obama administration official Colin Allred, who was just endorsed by former President Obama. He is running against House Rules Committee […]

Steven Crowder Confronts Transgender ‘Antifa’ Radical in Austin, Texas: VIDEO

Celine Camille Zinante has apparently undergone sex-change treatment to become “Cameron” Zinante and may be associated with a Communist “antifa” group called the Revolutionary Student Front. Zinante was working at a Juiceland franchise in Austin and, also, threatening violence against popular conservative personality Steven Crowder. This inspired Crowder to take a trip to Austin for […]

The Maxine Waters Democrats: Texas Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat

  Hunter Richard, 16, was wearing a pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” hat in a San Antonio hamburger restaurant Tuesday night when a man snatched the hat off his head and threw a drink in his face. Video of the incident went viral and the man, identified by police as Kino Jimenez, was arrested Thursday, […]

‘Her Body, Her Choice’?

  If abortion isn’t wrong, nothing is wrong, and we cannot expect any feminist to criticize this woman’s exercise of her “rights”: A Texas mother has been arrested for allegedly selling her young children. Esmeralda Garza, 29, was arrested by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) officials on Friday after she allegedly sold her 7-year-old […]

Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified as Perpetrator of Texas School Shooting

  This morning, as news of the shooting at Santa Fe High School was being broadcast on my office TV, I ignored it. No sense rushing into this latest atrocity before the murderer had been identified. Until a suspect is identified, usually you can’t even begin to guess the motive for these atrocities beyond the […]

SHOCK: Texas Subsidized Lesbian Couple’s Adoption of Children They Killed

The Hart family at a 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign rally. People in Texas should be angry as hell about this: An Oregon woman found dead at the base of a Northern California cliff with her spouse and three of their adopted children late last month likely received more than $270,000 from the state of Texas […]

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