The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Ian Masters Looking For A Job In, I Don’t Know, Say, Tennessee?

by Smitty Valley of the Shadow points out Ian Masters, an LA radio personality of some note, who really seems to dig him some anti-Semitism. Read all of Joe Fein’s debunking of a sad situation in LA.  It brings to mind Charlotte Bergmann, whom I saw cruise through the blogger lounge at CPAC, but had […]

Charlotte Bergmann Is Running For Congress In Tennessee’s Most Racist, Misogynist Corner

by Smitty Charlotte Bergmann is one courageous lady. Wikipedia notes Tennessee’s 9th district is: It is one of the safest seats in the nation for the Democratic Party, and has not been seriously contested by a Republican in its current configuration. Most[who?] political observers consider the 9th the most Democratic district in the state. Generally, […]

Et Tu, Blackburn?

by Smitty Early last month I was singing the praises of Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who was taking a bold stand against Net Neutrality and FCC over-reach at the Defending the Dream summit. Via Instapundit, we discover that the legacy media are funding the Stop Online Piracy Act in a big way. The bill, known as […]

A. Because She’s a Slut

Q. Why does a woman get the “Brazilian wax”? Full pubic hair removal, according to Herbenick’s studies, is most common among sexually active women . . . who are not in monogamous relationships. Like pierced bellybuttons and tattoos, this is a trend popular with hussies, harlots, trollops, tramps, vamps, floozies and whores. That article was […]

VIDEO: Herman Cain Talks Mosques, Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood

EXCLUSIVE — Must credit During a private event Sunday with supporters in Bethesda, Maryland, Republican presidential candidate spoke frankly about his opposition to a proposed mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Cain said that one Tennessee attorney representing opponents of the mosque told him that the controversial project is being supported by the Muslim Brotherhood. Cain’s […]

Alex Pareene, Bigot

Tennessee state Sen. Stacey Campfield has pushed through committee a bill that would prohibit public schools from teaching about homosexuality prior to ninth grade. This inspires Pareene — employed as a professional journalist by Salon — to write as if he were a fanatical activist auditioning for a front-page gig at DailyKos: The numskulls and […]

The Case of the Missing Young Blonde

Twenty-year-old Holly Bobo is missing, believed to have been abducted April 13 from her family’s home in rural Decatur County, Tennessee: Police say they believe the alleged abductor may be from the area and possibly acquainted with Bobo and her family. The kidnapper is described as a white man, about 5 feet 10 inches tall […]

It’s the New Motherf–ing Tone!

A spontaneous orchestrated outbreak of civility in Tennessee: NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Seven union supporters were arrested and charged following an outburst inside a Senate Committee Hearing. Troopers at the Tennessee Capitol had to forcibly carry out the protestors who were among a group who stood up during the Senate Commerce Committee hearing Tuesday and began […]

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