The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Rocky Horror Middle School Show

  The town of Achille, Oklahoma, has a population of less than 500. For unknown reasons, a woman who is raising her son to believe he’s a girl decided that this tiny community in rural Bryan County was where they needed to live. Problems inevitably ensued: Several law enforcement agencies have stepped in after parents […]

The Devil in Oklahoma: Satanic Ritual Promoted by Registered Sex Offender

Headline at the Daily Caller: What Did Oklahoma Do To Incur The Wrath Of Satan And His Minions? The news is bizarre: The Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall will be the site of a Black Mass event in September, sponsored by the “Dakhma of Angra Mainyu,” a satanic cult led by Adam Daniel. In an e-mail […]

Oklahoma Police: Meth Mom Molested Her Kids While People Paid to Watch

Natalie Lynn Webb Natalie Lynn Webb, 30, of Elk City, Oklahoma, is being held on $2 million bond after her arrest last month on sex abuse charges: Webb’s 9-year-old son told investigators that his 8-year-old brother and two 3-year-old sisters were repeatedly raped by their mother as other men and women looked on, according to […]

When the Good Guys Win

FEEL-GOOD STORY OF THE YEAR!… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 20, 2013 “She was very brave, she stayed on the phone with the dispatcher the whole time — talked all the way through it and was still on the phone with dispatch when we got into the house.” — Ken Golden, Bryan County […]

Closet-Case Democratic Party Official Infected Ex-Girlfriend With AIDS Virus?

Jay Parmley and Rebecca Burgin Last week, we noted that Jay Parmley, who was forced to resign as executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party after being accused of sexually harassing a 26-year-old male staffer, had claimed to be the victim of “right-wing political enemies.” Alas, it appears that the real victim was a young […]

Palin Helps Romney Win Alaska

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania Mitt Romney has a powerful ally in his effort to win the Republican nomination: Sarah Palin, who told a Fox News reporter last night that she voted for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich got 1,834 votes in the Alaska caucuses, giving the former House Speaker 14.2% of the vote, good for a fourth-place finish behind […]

Pearl Harbor Day Reflection

by Smitty COLUMBIA, SC, CAMP MCREADY– At roughly the halfway point of my Abbreviated Introduction to the Army course, along comes the Day That Will Live in Infamy. While in Hawaii in July 2010, my wife and I made some time to get down to Ford Island with the then-brand-new camcorder. One profound aspect of […]

PRIMARY ELECTION NIGHT HQ SHOCKER! Challenger Miller Upsets Murkowski in Alaska GOP Senate Primary MORE RESULTS: McCain Wins in Arizona GOP Primary; Scott Wins GOP Gubernatorial Nomination in Florida

ALASKA SENATE UPSET: Palin-Backed GOP Challenger Defeats Murkowski, AOSHQ Declares By Robert Stacy McCain 5:20 a.m. ET Sen. Lisa Murkowski was defeated in Tuesday’s Republican primary by conservative challenger Joe Miller. An endorsement by Sarah Palin, and support from pro-lifers and Tea Party activists, proved decisive in the Gulf War veteran’s hard-fought victory over Murkowski. With 77% of precincts reporting when ballot counting ended […]