The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Scenes From Ryan Rally in Lima, Ohio

DAYTON, Ohio On deadline for The American Spectator now, and just enough time to give a bit of news and some photos. First, here’s an account of Paul Ryan’s speech by Daniel Strauss of The Hill: Paul Ryan delivered a blistering speech against President Obama on foreign policy Monday, saying because of the president’s policies, […]


LIMA, Ohio The Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Center is packed for this afternoon’s “Victory Town Hall” event with Republican vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan. The WiFi, unfortunately, is mercilessly slow. Will update as possible. UPDATE: RNC Chairman Reince Priebus just held an impromptu press gaggle and said, “We’re going to outspend the DNC […]

The Best Revenge: Ohio-Bound

By the time you read this, I should be within a couple hours of Lima, Ohio, where Paul Ryan is due for a 2:30 p.m. rally. Right now — as I’m writing this — it’s about 2 a.m. and I’m awaiting my ride while laughing at the latest ridiculousness from Neal Rauhauser: McCain has never […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Worldwide Headquarters of Crazy, Inc.

My plans to get to Ohio and cover the three-day Romney-Ryan Buckeye State bus tour that begins tomorrow have thus far been thwarted. It’s one of those long complicated stories you don’t want to hear, but if there is any conservative in the Mid-Atlantic region willing to make the run, please contact me on Twitter. I’ve offered […]

#tcot Some Helpful Random Advice

@wrightshumate If evil people don’t hate you, you’re not doing enough good. If crazy people don’t hate you, maybe you’re nuts. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 21, 2012 Ever had one of those Rodney Dangerfield days? Yeah, I’ve had about four consecutive months of them. It ain’t easy being me. Because I had to […]

@PaulRyanVP and Math Continue to Represent Obama’s Worst Nightmare

BEAVERBROOK, Ohio Liberals continue their Brer-Rabbit-and-the-Briar-Patch act about the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate, endeavoring to convince Republicans that the 42-year-old Wisconsin congressman is somehow a liability to the GOP. Don’t believe it for a minute. Having seen the massive crowds at the Romney-Ryan rally in Manassas, Virginia, having seen Mitt […]

Paul Ryan: ‘I Like My Skyline Five Ways’

Paul Ryan speaks at his alma mater, Miami (Ohio) University, Aug. 15, 2012 DAYTON, Ohio Paul Ryan “made news” yesterday, as they say, by declaring that he and Mitt Romney are ready to debate Medicare with Obama: “We want this debate, we need this debate, and we will win this debate.” That line is quoted […]

Ryan Works the Rope Line

DAYTON, Ohio — At yesterday’s rally at Miami University, I deployed my 13-year-old son Jefferson to get photos of Paul Ryan shaking hands with the crowd afterwards. Jefferson snapped the above photo, of Ryan reaching up to shake hands with the guy next to him. Immediately after this photo was taken, Ryan shook Jefferson’s hand. Click the […]

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