The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Get on the Bus! AFP Leads ‘Obama’s Failing Agenda Tour’ Across Ohio

FINDLAY, Ohio By one of those strange flukes of luck, my buddy Nathan Martin got in touch with me yesterday to tell me that Americans for Prosperity’s “Obama’s Failing Agenda” bus tour of Ohio would be in the area today. So I met up with them in Perrysburg and rode the bus down I-75 to Findlay, […]

Huge Crowd Stands in Line in the Rain!

TOLEDO, Ohio OK, if you believe the polls, Mitt Romney’s 10 points behind in Ohio. But then there are those people — THOUSANDS of people — who stood in line in the rain to get in to see Mitt this afternoon in downtown Toledo: QUESTION: Do you believe in the polls, or do you believe […]

Fear and Loathing on the Road to Toledo

The National Affairs Desk, Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012 “[Huffington Post columnist Howard] Fineman, in essence, is agreeing with conservative critics of his profession: they’ve been cutting the President way too much slack, failing to take him to task in areas (the Woodward portrayal, Libya, the jobs numbers ) where they would have hammered […]

The Most Biased Question, Ever

DAYTON, Ohio Jim Acosta of CNN got an exclusive one-on-one interview with Mitt Romney yesterday in order that he could ask Mitt this ridiculous question: “African-Americans have a tremendous sense of pride that there is the first African-American president in the White House. If you were to somehow beat the first African-American president, what would you […]

Polls: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies?

@jaycosttws Like Darwinism and global-warming theory, poll-based coverage involves the illusion of “scientific” certainty. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 26, 2012 @jaycosttws Strange to say, I was taught that journalism requires a skeptical disposition. Old-fashioned, I guess. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 26, 2012 DAYTON, Ohio By the time you read this, I […]


Mitt Romney speaks while Sen. Rand Paul (left), vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman listen. DAYTON, Ohio I blogged about the huge crowd for today’s rally at the Dayton Airport Expo Center in Vandalia, including singer Lee Greenwood, and someone on Twitter replied demanding photos, but I couldn’t get photos […]


VANDALIA, Ohio Awaiting the arrival of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan at the Dayton Airport Expo Center, an outdoor rally under gray overcast skies. There is a cool wind — it’s about 65 degrees — and intermittent drizzle. A huge crowd of several thousand people here who don’t believe the polls. Seriously, I just conducted […]


CINCINNATI, Ohio At Byers Steel for a Paul Ryan rally and the WiFi is much better than yesterday. The original press release said that Mitt Romney would also be here, but there’s been a schedule change and R-Money won’t join us until this afternoon (2:30 p.m.) at Vandalia. UPDATE: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul introduced Ryan, […]

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