The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Signs and Omens: Obama’s Fading Hope and the Graveyard Whistling Choir

Nate Silver continues to lead the Democrat Graveyard Whistling Choir, raising Obama to a 70.3% likelihood of victory based on . . . what? I dunno. I’m not an expert with a New York Times column or anything, much less a Magical Forecasting Model™ that can divine future events with the precise scientific exactitude of […]

America, Don’t Be Distracted!

The next vice president of the United States wants Americans to keep focused on the important economic issues confronting our nation. So I felt kinda guilty when I was distracted by the smiling redhead standing behind Paul Ryan during his speech in Ohio: “And look at where we are right now: 23 million Americans struggling to […]

‘Media Credibility Day Is Coming’

When the Associated Press finally took notice of “surging” crowds at Romney-Ryan rallies, Da Tech Guy laughed — like me, he’s covered multiple Romney campaign events and had seen big, enthusiastic crowds all along. Now Sam Youngman of Reuters takes notice: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is recovering ground in the critical swing state of Ohio as he rises […]

How Do You Spell ‘LOL’? Idiotic Error by Former New Yorker Fact-Checker

When Bob Tyrrell told me about this on the phone, I was astonished: Evidently, James Pogue is a person with literary pretensions who once worked as a fact-checker for the New Yorker. In order to support his literary pretensions — he’s “writing a novel,” as are, inter alia, about nine thousand unpublished lawyers who dream of […]

News From Ohio: Obamanomics Sucks

Back home from a week in Ohio, I find the two latest polls — from PPP and the Columbus Dispatch — showing Obama still ahead in the Buckeye State, although not by the insane 7- to 10-point margins claimed by polls last week. Anybody can report on the polls, but what about the reality on the […]

VIDEO: Paul Ryan Says Joe Biden Is ‘Making Up All New Falsehoods’

Ryan was campaigning again in Columbus, Ohio, today: “Just down in Florida yesterday, Vice President Biden was making up all new falsehoods about Social Security and taxes. They’re trying to scare people for political gain. That’s unfortunately the kind of campaign that we’re seeing, as I said, from a President without a record to run […]

Do You Believe the Ohio Polls?

McDonald’s sign in Galion, Ohio, offers congratulations to local high school football players David Nay and Nathan Cass. GALION, Ohio A recent series of three polls — by the Washington Post, Quinnipiac and Fox News — show Mitt Romney getting blown out of the water in Ohio, and those of us who are skeptical about […]

VIDEO: AFP’s Jen Ridgely Talks About ‘Obama’s Failing Agenda’ Ohio Bus Tour

FINDLAY, Ohio Why is Americans for Prosperity such an awesome organization? Because of their awesome people, that’s why. Today at AFP’s “Hands Off Our Health Care Rally” in Findlay — part of their “Failing Agenda” bus tour — I interviewed communications staffer Jennifer Ridgely, whose job title was way overdue for an upgrade:

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