The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Twittering Obama’s Speech

Continuing my Book of Job-style woes — e.g., the antlered jihadi that destroyed my car — today our local Internet provider crashed just as President Obama was beginning his Ohio speech. Through the miracle of Twitter, however, I was able to offer commentary via cell phone: Between having my car totalled — the insurance company […]

John Boehner, Defender of Life

At a rooftop reception in downtown D.C. Wednesday evening, House Minority Leader John Boehner received the 2010 Henry J. Hyde Defender of Life Award from Americans United for Life. Boehner, a close friend of the late Rep. Hyde, became very emotional during his remarks accepting the award, as you can see in these video clips. […]

Election 2010: Senate Primaries in Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina

10:45 p.m. ET: It’s all over for progressive Jennifer Brunner, who got electorally date-raped by the Democratic Party good ol’ boy establishment: Fisher outperformed Brunner in fundraising, had the support of Gov. Ted Strickland (D) and was the preferred candidate of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. . . . One of Fisher’s top priorities is […]

Primaries in 3 States: ‘If Stutzman Wins, DeMint Is Going to Look Like a Genius’

There are primaries today in North Carolina, Ohio and Indiana, where Jim DeMint’s backing of conservative Republican Marlin Stutzman inspires this reflection from Jim Antle at The American Spectator: DeMint has endorsed state Sen. Marlin Stutzman and has helped him raise over $220,000 in a matter of days. If Stutzman wins, DeMint is going to […]

Good News: Democrats Continue Ripping Each Other Apart in Senate Primaries

Last week, I pointed out that Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher has been forced to spend $1 million to beat back moonbat-endorsed Jennifer Brunner in the Democratic Senate primary. Fisher’s likely to win the primary Tuesday, but it’s cost him big bucks, and Republican Rob Portman will start the general election campaign with a huge cash advantage […]

Good News: Democrat Spends $1 Million Against Nutroots Ohio Primary Rival

The Senate primary campaign in Ohio has been an expensive bloodbath for Democrats. Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher is the darling of the Democratic establishment, but he’s in a primary against Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, the sweetheart of the moonbat bloggers. (She’s endorsed by ActBlue and HuffPo loves ’em some Brunner). The news today is that Fisher has […]

Dennis Kucinich to Vote ‘Yes’ and Other Updates on Zombie Health Care Bill

Obama’s arm-twisting works wonders on the little leftist from Ohio: “In the past week it’s become clear that the vote on the final bill will be very close,” Kucinich, who voted No last time because of the lack of the public option, said at a presser moments ago. He acknowleged that he’d be voting “not […]

Rep. Jim Jordan Speaks Out Against ObamaCare 2.0, Defends Tea Party

Philip Klein of the American Spectator reports: The House Budget Committee has voted down a Republican motion in support of the abortion language favored by Rep. Bart Stupak on a 19 to 17 vote, with three Democrats voting in favor of it. . . . Rep. Jim Jordan offered the motion for Republicans . . […]

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