The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Frank LaRose Denounces ‘Mean-Spirited Personal Attacks and Senseless Threats’

A lawyer representing the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police had seemingly threatened state Sen. Frank LaRose for voting in favor of S.B. 5, a bill to limit the power of government employee unions. Without directly mentioning Ohio FOP lawyer Mike Piotrowski’s “cops hold grudges” remark, LaRose condemned such threats in a statement (PDF) today explaining […]

Lawyer for Ohio Police Union Tells Republican State Senator: ‘Funny Thing About Cops, They Hold Grudges’

Ohio’s state Senate yesterday passed S.B. 5, which would limit the power of government employee unions. Among those voting for the measure was state Sen. Frank LaRose, a 31-year-old freshman Republican from Akron. After the passage of S.B. 5, LaRose’s Facebook page filled up with comments, including one from Michael Sarge Piotrowski who — as […]

Greetings From Ohio!
UPDATE: Klanville, USA?

MARION, Ohio One of my 18-year-old twin sons has a girlfriend here, and he has a four-day weekend break from the Christian academy where he is currently a senior. So he spent his hard-earned money to rent a car and I was enlisted as driver to bring him here. We left Hagerstown, Md., at 8 […]

Speaker John Boehner’s Swearing-In: Less Glamorous, More Choked Up and Crying

The Washington Post: Austerity is the theme of Republican John A. Boehner’s installation as House speaker this week, placing the start of this new Congress in stark contrast to the more lavish festivities that marked Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s swearing-in four years ago. On Wednesday, following a bipartisan prayer service at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Boehner […]

Dennis Kucinich Worried About Losing Ohio District, Sexy Redhead Wife

But mainly his congressional district: The state of Ohio will lose two congressional seats thanks to the latest U.S. Census figures, and liberal stalwart Dennis Kucinich is worried his seat is on the chopping block. In an e-mail to supporters Wednesday, the seven-term Democratic congressman and two-time presidential candidate says the Republican-controlled Ohio legislature is […]

Nine Key States for 2012

Jennifer Rubin identifies the Democratic senators who are most vulnerable in the next cycle: Jon Tester, Bill Nelson, Jim Webb, Claire McCaskill, Ben Nelson, Sherrod Brown, and Kent Conrad, for starters. That’s a total of seven Democrats who voted for (were all the 60th vote for) ObamaCare, supported the stimulus plan, and come from states […]

‘By Any Means Necessary’

“Willow Palin is a 16 year old girl who, like all 16 year olds is going to make mistakes and say things she shouldn’t have. . . . Apparently, it’s only a ‘homophobic slur’ when it comes from the daughter of a conservative female leader. Make no mistake; this is all about destroying Sarah Palin […]

Democrats Unveil 2010 Message: ‘Hope, Change and a Buttload of Attack Ads’

Remember when Democrats didn’t want to talk about Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and ACORN? Remember when they kept saying how we need to focus on the important issues that matter to working American families? My, how times have changed: Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using […]

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