The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Erick Erickson, Santorum Consultant?

JOHNSTOWN, Ohio In the preceding post, I described Erick Erickson as hating Rick Santorum “with the heat of ten thousand suns,” which evidently prompted commenters to call my attention to Erickson’s post-debate analysis at Red State: It was the last debate. Newt Gingrich won it. He was the only candidate who repeatedly steered the questions […]

Satan Angered by New Poll Showing Santorum Ahead 34%-18% in Wisconsin

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Stopped in here at McDonald’s and got online to discover that Satan’s plan to destroy America is now the top story in the country. This is why neutral objective journalist George Stephanopoulos interviewed neutral objective Mitt Romney supporter Chris Christie about the urgently relevant Satan issue today. Stephanopoulos and Christie: What a team, […]

Romney’s Money Problems — and Mine

Yesterday, I put up a post with this headline: Campaign Cash Shows Unsustainable ‘Burn Rate’ for Romney and Gingrich  What I didn’t realize at the time was that Nate Silver of the New York Times had made the same point yesterday morning: Mitt Romney raised slightly more than his Republican rivals in January. His campaign […]

Franklin County, Ohio, GOP E-Mail Encourages Volunteers for Romney

When I was first told about this, I could scarcely believe it, but the e-mail was forwarded to me by an Ohio Republican: From: Doug Preisse and Brad Sinnott Date: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 Subject: Volunteer Opportunities for Mitt Romney To: [Redacted] Dear Fellow Republican, We here at the Franklin County Republican Party are committed […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Meanwhile, Back on the Campaign Trail …

Since I returned home from Florida three weeks ago, people have been going nuts, and the stress of being caught in the middle of the escalating insanity is undermining my health. (The sniffles haven’t turned into pneumonia yet, but I’m still worried.) This means there’s only one thing to do: Road trip. Get back on […]

Cain in N.H.: ‘I’m Not Finished Yet!’

Tim Buckland of the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader reports: MANCHESTER — A small group of supporters and a horde of media got unclear answers Wednesday night whether Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is staying in the race. During a gathering held for core New Hampshire supporters at his campaign office on Lowell Street, Cain told […]

Cain Leads New Ohio Poll; Close to Romney in Nevada; Perry Fading Away

The big headline today is the Ohio poll by Quinnipiac: Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain has jumped to the front of the line among GOP presidential contenders with 28 percent support among Ohio Republicans. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is second with 23 percent, while Texas Gov. Rick Perry is almost at the bottom […]

Ohio Unions, Ohio Thugs, Ohio Police

From the Columbus Dispatch: The volatility surrounding the collective-bargaining debate spilled into the night Wednesday when police were called to a German Village restaurant after a group verbally accosted a gathering of Senate Republicans. After the vote on Senate Bill 5, seven Republican senators, including President Tom Niehaus, R-New Richmond, grabbed dinner at the Easy […]

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