The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Question the Timing (and Sample): Poll Shows Obama Leading in Swing States

You will remember that Democrats were panicking last month at the realization that Mitt Romney and the GOP outraised the DNC/Obama team in June, and that Obama’s unsustainable “burn rate” — pouring on a 2-to-1 ad blitz — had failed to move independent voters. Everything the Dems had done was being sabotaged by Obama’s tone-deaf “you didn’t […]

Not #ReadyToGo? New Hashtag Doesn’t Fill Ohio Arena for Obama Campaign

The Obama campaign, after watching its previous Twitter slogans swiftly hijacked by Republicans, rolled out #ReadyToGo for its official kickoff rally in Columbus, Ohio: Speaking at his first official campaign rally six months and a day before Election Day, a fiery and combative Obama, his sleeves rolled up, touted a “forward-looking America” while taking a series […]

VIDEO: Ohio’s Josh Mandel Is Awesome

The Republican challenger to Democrat Sherrod Brown in Ohio’s Senate race puts on his combat boots in this new ad: Earlier this week, Mandel was endorsed by National Right to Life PAC. The Democrats are clearly worried about this sharp young GOP challenger in a key battleground state. Think of it as “reverse coattails”: A […]

Joe The Plumber Refrains From Coming Through The Video Feed And Plugging Lawrence O’Donnell’s Mouth

by Smitty I’ll grade Joe a ‘B’ on this performance. He lacks the polish of a seasoned campaigner, but has very clearly done his homework, and doesn’t let O’Donnell’s smarmy nonsense rattle him: For all of his air of superiority, I don’t think O’Donnell really knows what he’s talking about. A truly comprehensive, simplifying approach […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: ‘Committing Acts of Journalism’

Recording a press gaggle with Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley, Steubenville, Ohio, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (Photo by Chris Moody) WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania We got to our hotel here about 1:30 a.m., after a 35-mile drive from Steubenville, Ohio, scene of last night’s victory celebration for The Next President of the United States, Rick Santorum. My 13-year-old […]

Palin Helps Romney Win Alaska

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania Mitt Romney has a powerful ally in his effort to win the Republican nomination: Sarah Palin, who told a Fox News reporter last night that she voted for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich got 1,834 votes in the Alaska caucuses, giving the former House Speaker 14.2% of the vote, good for a fourth-place finish behind […]

If You Think Mitt Romney Is ‘Electable’ …

. . . just wait. Maybe you’re right. But if you’re right, why are liberals so eager to have Romney as the Republican nominee? Maybe you think George Stephanopoulos is stupid? Rick Santorum will hold a party tonight in Steubenville, Ohio, which he and his supporters hope will be a “Super Tuesday” victory celebration. Yet […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk:
‘If I Could Walk That Way …’

Chris Moody and Steven Crowder with Crowder’s haawwtt fianceé, Hillary, at the Santorum event in Grand Rapids, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 “Another Wednesday morning, another hotel room, another grim bout with the TV Morning News . . . These goddamn Wednesday mornings are ruining my health.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing: On the […]

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