The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Use Kavanaugh Nomination in Congressional Fundraising Efforts

Many years ago, I checked a box on a website to get email updates from the Democrats and, of course, they sell their email lists, which means that my email inbox is filled up with liberal fundraising appeals, like this one from North Carolina congressional candidate David Brown: Hi Robert, Donald Trump just announced that […]

University of North Carolina Continues Promoting Anti-Male Hate Propaganda

  Male students are a dwindling minority (42%) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, a Democrat-controlled institution which selected former Dartmouth professor Carol Folt as its chancellor in 2013. That was the same year lesbian feminists Andrea Pino and Annie Clark joined three other UNC students in filing a federal Office for Civil Rights […]

#IWD2017: Teenage Girl Disfigured by Brutal Attack in North Carolina

Priyanka Kumari before (left) and after (right) she was attacked in January. Priyanka Kumari had just gotten off her school bus and was walking down her home in the Raleigh, N.C., suburb of Apex when a man attacked her with a machete. The man “stomped her by his feet and jumped on her body and […]

#Charlotte ‘RUN THEM DOWN’ Gets @Instapundit Suspended From @Twitter

  Professor Glenn Reynolds’ response to the anarchy in Charlotte — where a criminal mob of hate-filled Democrat voters looted stores, attacked police and white civilians, and shut down a major freeway — was three words of advice to endangered motorists: “Run them down.” The Twitter Thought Police suspended Professor Reynolds’ account. What are we […]

N.C. Schools Employ Radical Lesbian Who Called Marriage ‘Slavery’ for Women

By Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain on Twitter) A pioneering lesbian activist who called heterosexuality “the ideology of male supremacy” and condemned marriage as “slavery” for women is now working as a math teacher in North Carolina.   As a graduate student in 1969, Margaret Small helped begin what became the Women’s Studies program at the […]

The Predictable Karma of #Shutuppery: Will Democrat Sue Jeanne Bonds?

ICYMI: Bitter lady who spent months doxing me, others may soon face a lawsuit by another Dem: #ncpol #ncga #ncblondes — Stacey-SisterToldjah (@sistertoldjah) January 8, 2014 In case you’ve forgotten, Jeanne Milliken Bonds is a North Carolina Democrat operative who was implicated in the #Shutuppery efforts against @SisterToldjah and @LadyLiberty1885 last year. Now it […]

Who’s a ‘Bully,’ @GregFlynn? Democrat Operative Targets North Carolina Mom

North Carolina Democrats have apparently adopted the radical motto “By Any Means Necessary” in their war to destroy conservative opposition, as the intimidation tactics employed by Democrat operative Greg Flynn against a citizen-activist make clear: Lady Liberty is a blogger, but she is also a mother worried about her children. Greg Flynn (an editor at […]

Progressive Tax-Exempt Group’s Secret Plan to ‘Eviscerate,’ ‘Cripple’ GOP

Blueprint NC is “a nonprofit that coordinates the activities of liberal-leaning nonprofits” in North Carolina and when this 501(c) group’s communications director Stephanie Bass forwarded a strategy memo to member organizations, she included a disclaimer: “CONFIDENTIAL to Blueprint, so please be careful — share with your boards and appropriate staff, but not the whole world.” Oops. The memo […]

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