The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Jersey ‘Rape Culture’: Democrat Says She Was Raped by Governor’s Aide

Al Alvarez (left) allegedly raped Katie Brennan (right) in 2017. Everybody involved in this story is a Democrat: The woman who accused a senior staffer in Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration of sexually assaulting her while he worked for Murphy’s campaign last year is a state official who says she is now telling her story because […]

The Silent Terror: Media Ignoring Islamic Radical’s Murder of Seattle Gay Men?

Ali Muhammad Brown is a suspected Islamic terrorist accused of murdering three men in Seattle and a New Jersey teenager: The man accused of killing a New Jersey teenager and three other men as retribution for U.S. military action in the Middle East could eventually be charged with terrorism offenses, according to a national security expert. […]

Police: Lesbian Molester’s ‘Multiple Acts of Digital Penetration’ of Girl, 8

Allegations of atrocious abuse in New Jersey: A 25-year-old Wharton woman has been accused of sexually assaulting an then-8-year-old girl — as well as punching and kicking the child in the stomach on multiple occasions. Whitney Ball has been charged with one count of first-degree aggravated sexual assault, two counts of second-degree sexual assault, and […]

BridgeGate or … VaginaGate?

Ace of Spades points out a disturbing fact: The law firm’s report exonerating (supposedly) Christie says that key Bridgegate player Bridgie Kelly had a “personal relationship” with Christie’s then-campaign-manager, Bill Stepien, a relationship which had cooled — or soured — just before Kelly sent her infamous email, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.” […]

Does Christie Add Desirable Gravitas To The Republican Governor’s Association?

by Smitty It sure is the case that outgoing disgrace Bob McDonnell did not. The surprise $1B transportation bill a year ago still hasn’t been clearly explained, but it led into the ominous ethics cloud over McDonnell. That cloud was among the minor factors that hampered Ken Cuccinelli’s efforts last November. So Ken is an […]

The Christie GWB Scandal Bubble

What Chris Christie woke up to this morning. — Jim Roberts (@nycjim) January 11, 2014 You could tell the mainstream media had already decided on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as the “designated loser” Republican presidential nominee for 2016 by the way they reacted to the George Washington Bridge scandal. To give you an […]

Christie Re-Elected in NJ Landslide; McAuliffe Squeaks Past in Virginia

Why Democrat precincts take longer to report results: Have to be careful when you're counting tombstones and vacant lots. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 6, 2013 The Big Man from Jersey won big — everybody knew that was coming — but the surprise of the night was how strong Republican Ken Cuccinelli finished in […]

Steve @Lonegan Coming On Strong In New Jersey Special Senate Election

by Smitty I heard Steve Lonegan on the Mike Church show while I was going to work last week. He was expounding, as one does on Church’s show, on historical matters, pointing out that New Jersey saw more Revolutionary War action than any other state. Perhaps only a mildly interesting factoid, but one that’s crucial […]

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