The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Among the Paulistas in New Hampshire

HOLLIS, N.H. The Only Man Who Can Save American Liberty™ — as he is regarded by his famously fanatical supporters — appeared today at the Lawrence Barn here, and I was pleased to discover that one of Lisa Graas‘s Twitter friends, “TradiCatholic,” was among the Paulistas in attendance. And I explained to her that, unlike […]

Media Mayhem in the Granite State

HOLLIS, N.H. Saturday night in Manchester was a total media schmoozefest, and I had the opportunity to talk to Mickey Kaus, whose re-Tweet by Alyssa Milano inspired my own long quest for a similar honor. (“They Said It Couldn’t Be Done …”) Just returned from a Ron Paul event here, the start of a long […]

Sunday Morning Coming Down in New Hampshire ‘Meet the Depressed’ Debate

HOLLIS, N.H. After my late night guzzling beer consulting with key sources at the Radisson Hotel bar last night, I slept in this morning at the home of Mike Rogers of Granite Grok, missing the “Meet the Press” debate. Mike’s got it TiVo’d for my later examination, but initial accounts indicate it was far more […]


MANCHESTER, N.H. The Triumphant Victory of Rick Santorum™ was not acknowledged here at RINOCon — as I’ve dubbed the National Review Romney GroupHugFest — and that’s OK. We don’t expect these elite snobs to recognize such things. Think about this: Santorum is the hot new “Not Romney” candidate and yet he was not attacked during […]


22:40 EST Perry: if not here, I’d be at a shooting range. Newt, Rick, Mitt: watching football. Paul: I’d put the family to bed and study an economic textbook. Huntsman: talking to my two sons in the Navy. Thus far: The two Texans are not looking strong. Huntsman looks comfortable, but Mitt, Newt, and Santorum […]

Santorum Surge Hits Hollis, N.H. UPDATE: Photos, Videos Added

HOLLIS, N.H. Set up in the Dunkin’ Donuts here at the intersection of Ash and Main Street, having just left anevent for Rick Santorum at the historic Lawrence Barn that was filled beyond capacity. The first question Santorum got in an informal press conference outside the barn was about his “electability,” which he defended staunchly. I must […]

Cain Still Loved in New Hampshire

HOLLIS, N.H. Herman Cain broke a lot of hearts when he quit the 2012 presidential race and, of course, he still has many admirers — but perhaps no more ardent admirer than Sue Belzil.

Rick Santorum Speech in Nashua:
‘New Hampshire, Send a Message’

HOLLIS, N.H. When Rick Santorum arrived at the Hillsborough County Republican Party’s dinner Friday, the swarm of reporters photographers and TV cameramen following him was so huge that his own daughter Elizabeth and son Daniel couldn’t get near their father. This video begins with me entering the door and working my way through the media […]

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