The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

N.H.: Hillary Will Lose, But What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?

  Polls forecast a defeat for Clinton tonight: Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican race in New Hampshire on the eve of the vote, the final CNN/WMUR tracking poll finds. On the Democratic side of the race, it remains Bernie Sanders’ primary to lose, with the Vermont senator holding a 26-point lead over Hillary […]

On Da Campaign Trail

After my extensive campaign travels during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles, I’ve been more of a stay-at-home blogger the past couple of years. However, our old friend Pete Da Tech Guy has been on the scene in New Hampshire where he recently caught a campaign stop by Dr. Ben Carson at Mike Rogers’s house […]

Cheryl Voted for Obama in 2008, But …

. . . this time in New Hampshire? Not so much: Governor Romney challenged each member of the crowd to speak to one Obama voter to convince them to change their minds this time around. The visuals were excellent and it seemed hard work of the volunteers paid off. My interviews after the event suggested […]

Democrats Against Journalism?

Michael Delaney is a Democrat who is attorney general of New Hampshire. James O’Keefe is a journalist who exposed the fact that it was possible for dead people to vote in New Hampshire. In reaction to O’Keefe’s blockbuster investigative report, the New Hampshire legislature enacted a voter ID law. Michael Delaney tried to serve a […]

Rick Santorum Adds Staff, Offices, Money and Key Endorsement in South Carolina

Rick Santorum brought his surge to South Carolina yesterday: Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign announced yesterday that it was opening “five new campaign offices to supplement its existing South Carolina headquarters in Mt. Pleasant, SC.” The new offices are in Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Spartanburg, Rock Hill and Columbia. “We feel very confident … that the voters are […]

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Seventeen Days on the Campaign Trail

P.J. O’Rourke encounters Andrew Breitbart at the Manchester, N.H., Radisson Bar, Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012 PHILADELPHIA “Wheels up” from Boston’s Logan Airport was at 1:09 p.m., and as Flight 1727 ascended from the runway, I noticed the houses that dotted the little spits of land jutting out into the bay. There were docks and piers […]

NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY HQ UPDATE: Romney Wins; Ron Paul Second; Huntsman Third; Gingrich, Santorum Fight for Fourth Place

MANCHESTER, N.H. UPDATE 10:30 p.m. ET: Rick Santorum concluded his speech here by shouting, “On to South Carolina!” Indeed. But first, I’ve got a deadline for The American Spectator, and then there are friends awaiting my arrival at the bar at the Radisson Hotel. After that, I’ve got a 12:30 p.m. Wednesday flight out of Boston’s Logan […]

Ron Paul and the ‘Not Romneys’

“There are many mysteries to the phenomenon that is Ron Paul. How is it, for example, that a 76-year-old with a reedy voice — his appearance and manner not remotely “presidential” by the usual standards of the TV age — is an idol to so many youth? Polls in Iowa showed that Paul got 48 […]

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