The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Coked-Up Stimulus Monkeys’

No, it’s not the name of a punk rock band, it’s what Democrats are doing with your tax money: Harry Reid’s Plan to Save the Nevada Economy: Coked-up Stimulus Monkeys In the face of the worst recession since the Great Depression, where has the money from Harry Reid’s stimulus bill gone to help our ailing economy? Cocaine-addled […]

Right Online: ‘Pimp Your Website’

LAS VEGAS — The Right Online schedule this morning shows an 8:30 a.m. seminar called “Pimp Your Website: Taking It to the Next Level.” However, the person teaching that seminar is not the author of “How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog.” Today’s seminar on “Blogging 101” is taught by Matt Lewis and the “Twitter […]

What Are the Odds . . .

. . . that I am, even at this very moment, boarding a Delta Airlines flight en route to Las Vegas? Well, if you have already hit the tip jar, you might know how to bet that proposition. If you haven’t hit the tip jar yet, now would be a good time to do so. […]

Everybody Have Fun at Right Online!

My friend Steve Eggleston of No Runny Eggs blog fame asked me a question on Twitter: Read  the article for yourself: “[T]he nation’s foremost new media experts from across the country” — a list from which my name is omitted. As I explained three weeks ago: The list of speakers for this year’s conference includes Erick Erickson and Ed Morrissey — both […]

Conservatism 101:
Never Let Your Enemies Tell You Who Your Friends Should Be

Conservative Republicans seeking political advice should not take it from a liberal Democrat like Jonathan Chait: You don’t have to love Sue Lowden to understand that a 90% chance of Lowden winning is better than a 20% chance of Sharron Angle winning. Nor is there any recognition on the right that conservatives paved the way […]

‘Now Imagine If Hunter S. Thompson Was On Twitter . . .’

@rsmccain — Robert Stacy McCain has aptly been described as “the conservative Hunter S. Thompson.” Now imagine if Hunter Thompson was on Twitter! — Matt Lewis, “The Top 25 Conservatives on Twitter” About time I got this kind of recognition, considering that we’re now just three weeks away from the 2010 Right Online Conference in […]

Sharron Angle 48%, Harry Reid 41%

Nevada is not wild about Harry, according to Rasmussen, and Professor William Jacobson observes: What is amazing is that for the past two weeks Harry Reid has been pouring on the attacks against Angle, both through his own advertising, astroturfing, and through friends in the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere. Reid’s union-goon buddies are even […]

Sharron Angle Fights Back

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid and his MSM allies have tried to score a pre-emptive knockout against Republican challenger Sharron Angle by depicting her as an extremist kook. Here is Angle’s first ad of the general election campaign: Philip Klein at the American Spectator provides the text of the ad: Unemployment has skyrocketed. Billions in bailouts […]

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