The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Comity Of Errors

by Smitty Trying to restore Senate comity Democrats have one overriding objective this Congress: to create jobs and get our economy back on track. But our Republican colleagues are so dead set on preventing Democrats from passing job-creating legislation that they have been willing to abuse the rules of the Senate to grind the chamber […]

Looking Up From Here, It’s Barely Possible to See the Bottom of ‘Down’

BREAKING: South Carolina to hold primary on January 21 A friend sent me that on Twitter and then, via Memeorandum, I saw this: Nevada Republicans decided Saturday to move up the GOP presidential caucuses to January to preserve the state’s early voting spot, although it will cost the Silver State half its delegates at the national […]

NV-2 New Ad: ‘We Were Promised Recovery, We’ve Been Given Misery’

The special election in Nevada’s 2nd District is Tuesday, and in his final TV ad, Republican Mark Amodei targets the SCOAMF’s economic bungling: Amodei, a former state senator and Nevada GOP chairman, has sought to link Marshall to President Barack Obama. “We were promised recovery. We’ve been given misery,” Amodei says in his ad, as […]

Herman Cain: Viva Las Vegas!

Mike Chamberlain at Cranky Hermit has a report of Herman Cain’s appearance at Chuck Muth’s “First Friday” event in Vegas: The day after an impressive performance in a Republican Presidential debate, Herman Cain left little doubt about his future intentions. He told the assembled local bloggers and print journalists at a briefing in Las Vegas, […]

Cowboy Poetry Of The Day

by Smitty (via Theo)

Dear Ace: ‘A Choice, Not an Echo’

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — OK, after the last post, I promised I was going to go back to sleep, but somebody in the comments said that Ace of Spades was “bitching and moaning . . . that the tea party cost us DE et al.” Because I didn’t see the aforesaid bitching and moaning, I can’t address […]

Call It Like You Hear It

by Smitty The opening phrase of the clip “It doesn’t give them comfort and solace for me to tell them. . .,” arguably, means he is disclaiming the assertion that he saved the world from a depression. Of course, he would enjoy it if you took the clip as a whole to mean he’s the […]

Harry Reid to Gays: ‘I Really Want Your Votes. But First You Will Blow Me.’

Or words to that effect, as the imperiled Senate Majority Leader — who’s losing ground to Sharron Angle in Nevada — was one of three Democrats to vote against repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”  policy: All Senate Republicans and three Democrats voted to block debate on the bill after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) […]

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