The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Notorious Moonbat Mike Stark Arrested for Attacking GOP Campaign Staffer

  Circa 2006, there was no left-wing moonbat more notorious than Mike Stark, who organized hoax callers to harass conservative radio shows and stalked George Allen’s Senate campaign in Virginia. Stark has no skill as a writer (or anything else) that would recommend his services, but was an aggressive nuisance who specialized in harassing people. […]

CBS Executive Fired After Saying No Sympathy for Victims in Las Vegas

  She’s a Columbia University Law School alumna: CBS fired a legal executive Monday after she wrote on Facebook that she was not “sympathetic” to the victims of the mass shooting in Las Vegas. “I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters,” former executive Hayley Geftman-Gold wrote. At least […]

Five Charged in Nevada Gang Rape of Mentally Impaired 14-Year-Old Girl

Leby Gomez (left) and Jose Henriquez (right) are charged in rape case. KSNV-TV reports: A Las Vegas father and a group of teens are behind bars, accused of gang raping a special education student at Del Sol Academy. Police have identified the father as 39-year-old Leby Gomez. Police say two of the teen suspects are […]

Fear And Loathing In Reno: What I Saw At The Nevada State GOP Convention

— by Wombat-socho It all started at the chaotic Clark County Republican convention back in April, which I attended as an alternate from my precinct and wound up leaving early so I didn’t miss too much of a Saturday in the tax mines. Shortly before my departure, volunteers for the Cruz campaign encouraged me to […]

Harry Reid’s Constituents

Recent news from Nevada: A Las Vegas mother, her ex-husband and his new wife all faced court [Dec. 16] after being charged with what police described as  ‘one of the most horrific sex rings in memory’ involving their own children. Mother-of-four Terrie L. Sena, 43, who was arrested . . . and charged with multiple counts of […]

Taco Shout-Out To Harry ‘The Cadaver’

by Smitty Via Instapundit: Harry Reid (who lives in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel) said liberals are getting bullied by Republican billionaires but the Democratic Party “doesn’t have many billionaires” behind it. Remember, you can’t spell “billionaires” without the letters in “liar is on bile”. Take it away, Taco: Update: The Cadaver on Twitter: It’s time that […]

A Tale Of Two Burgers

— Wombat-socho As I mentioned in the previous burger post, one of my objectives in visiting Las Vegas this week was to check out a couple of hamburger joints not found in my Washington DC stomping grounds: the infamous Heart Attack Grill, and the wildly popular In-N-Out Burger. There were also some other suggestions, but […]

If Bundy Had Married His Cattle, Lefties’d Celebrate “Diversity” #BundyRanch

by Smitty Stacy had picked up this story a couple of days ago, when the BLM backed down. For now. Per ABC: A group of armed militia and protesters, some sporting nametags reading “domestic terrorist,” remain camped out on a cattle ranch in Nevada, where they have been purportedly defending the property since a tense […]

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