The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Media Embargo Slowly Crumbling on Jennifer McKenna Morbelli’s Death

Jennifer McKenna Morelli with her future husband in 2008 Jennifer Morbelli died last Thursday at Shady Grove Hospital in the Maryland suburbs of D.C. after undergoing a gruesome third-term abortion ordeal at Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s Germantown Reproductive Health clinic. A 29-year-old married kindergarten teacher in the affluent Westchester County suburbs of New York, Morbelli had […]

How Many More Women Will Die Before Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Is Stopped?

“LeRoy Carhart is likely the most prominent abortionist in America. “Carhart was the plaintiff in two U.S. Supreme Court cases, Stenberg v. Carhart in 2000 . . . and Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007 . . . “Carhart is also one of four abortionists . . . featured in the new documentary, After Tiller, which […]

Sarah Palin, Herman Cain Help Nebraska Underdog Deb Fischer Win Primary

The first sentence of this story about the GOP Senate primary by Josh Lederman in the Hill absurdly portrays state Sen. Deb Fischer’s victory over Nebraska State Attorney General Jon Bruning as “dealing a blow to both the Republican establishment and the Tea Party.” This is stupid. If the Republican establishment loses to a candidate […]

Health Care and the ‘N-Word’

Last week, when I did a post about efforts to promote state nullification of ObamaCare, my friend Ali Akbar joked on Twitter that I was using the “n-word,” but now apparently nullification is the latest rage: BOISE, Idaho — Republican lawmakers in nearly a dozen states are reaching into the dusty annals of American history […]

Nebraska Nullification?

Our friends at the Red State Eclectic blog get quoted in a story in The Hill about an educational effort: Last fall, the Nebraska Campaign for Liberty distributed copies of Tom Woods’s book Nullification to 44 of the 49 members of the Legislature. They followed up with discussion with some other senators about the kind of things […]

Nine Key States for 2012

Jennifer Rubin identifies the Democratic senators who are most vulnerable in the next cycle: Jon Tester, Bill Nelson, Jim Webb, Claire McCaskill, Ben Nelson, Sherrod Brown, and Kent Conrad, for starters. That’s a total of seven Democrats who voted for (were all the 60th vote for) ObamaCare, supported the stimulus plan, and come from states […]