The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Your Choices: Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum or ‘Sweet Meteor of Death’

This looks to be a big day for Rick Santorum, which probably explains why last night Erick Erickson began apocalyptic doomsaying: Influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson said he would endorse the “sweet meteor of death” over any of the current GOP candidates, but would back the party’s eventual nominee in the general election against President Obama. . […]

Gingrich, Romney, Trump Monopolize Media; Santorum Keeps Campaigning

“[Obama] made the claim that his policies of taxing the rich is authorized by the Bible. That he is doing what is biblically called for by taxing the rich, by having the government tax the rich. Now, I’ve read the Bible, and I must have missed that passage. . . . This is an administration […]

Like an Earthquake in Vanuatu: Michelle Malkin Endorses Rick Santorum!

NAPLES, Fla. Woke up about 10:30 this morning expecting to put together a quick aggregation of the morning news. Then I saw Michelle Malkin’s endorsement of Rick Santorum. All bets are off. Forget everything else — this is freaking HUGE! UPDATE: I’m about to go get breakfast, but before that, a few more bits of news: […]

Tornado Destroys Joplin, Missouri

Via Associated Press, here’s video of the killer storm: At least 90 people are confirmed dead and a news photographer who visited Joplin said: “The Home Depot is leveled. . . The Wal-Mart is destroyed. Gas stations, buildings. Everywhere I could see was either heavily damaged or completely destroyed.” The headlines at the Drudge Report […]

Sarah Steelman vs. Claire McCaskill?

While surfing the Web, I saw an ad for this Republican candidate — former Missouri state treasurer Sarah Steelman — who has made an early start campaigning against Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill for 2012: You can contribute at Steelman’s Web site.

When Dead, Your Emissions Go Down

by Smitty Bluegrass Pundit has Claire McCaskill sounding about 100% airhead, seemingly promoting the idea that tanking the economy provides a silver lining in the form of diminished CO2 emissions. As though sensing the Ghost of Blogblast Future in the room, she attempts to qualify her remark as ‘being sarcastic’, before re-iterating the point. So […]

Palin Derangement Syndrome Prevents Bristol’s Appearance at University

Nothing says “academic freedom” like kowtowing to a few hundred students who signed up for an anti-Palin Facebook page: Anger over a decision to pay Bristol Palin several thousand dollars in student fees to talk to Washington University students about abstinence led to a decision Thursday night to nix Palin’s appearance on a panel here […]

Democrat Attacked After Vitriolic Rhetoric From Sarah Palin … No? Never Mind.

Actually, the attacker only intended to attack Gov. Jay Nixon (D-Missouri), but mistakenly slashed the throat of Penn Valley Community College Dean Albert Dimmitt: That happened last September and the reason you never saw this story in the national news is because the attacker was a left-wing anarchist: In September 2010 Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was […]

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